Thursday, November 11, 2010

3rd Post of the Day // Chowder

After dinner blog post O: 3rd blog entry of the day so far. This isn't that bad. Its actually okay having to blog every few hours later.

Anyways, dinner was delicious. I had chicken today. Then there were these spicy vegetable which I could not keep my hands off. They were awesomee. Soup was tomato soup or how its called in my house, ABC soup.

Lately I have been feeling very sad. I don't know why but yeah. Plus, I only feel this way. . .at night =-=" So annoying.

I'll just have to get through it by staring or watching something that makes me happy I guess, cause' so far, that is what I have been doing for the past few days.

Things To Do Still . . .
- Plan the trip
- Wait for Brandon to give me photocopied IC's
- 4 passport sized photo's
- Photostat my IC
- Make sure I do not bloody hell cry in the middle of the night because I am such an overemotional bitch atm. Eff.

PMS? I think not.

Here's a GIF of Chowder! o-o" sad chower Pictures, Images and Photos

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