Thursday, May 28, 2009

Midterms and Teachers

Gosh, finally exams are over. YEESH! Gave me a huge headache that would last for a decade!

Teachers day is tomorrow. I will be going to join my lovely friends for a cup of tea. NOT! Life's seriously un-awesome. I'm not saying that I want Children's Day or anything. But it would just be wonderful that us teens could have 1 day, just ONE day to celebrate us, ourselves. Im also not saying that the school is selfish and self-centered but can't they contribute just a little and give us ALL free drinks or food or something?

Sports day does not count BTW.

Im not being a whiny little brat, but I just want ONE day to celebrate US. The teenagers that made our parents life and of course i wont forget the teachers lives unforgettably horrible and terrible. Some may think I'm just being well childish and stuff, well I admit im childish but I think you would have to agree with me on this one. Dont you want just ONE day to celebrate teenagers all around the world??

Even though your gonna have fun on teacher's day, but we are celebrating them and not US.

PS: Thank you for the songs!! They're awesome!! ^_^

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Fast Post Before Death...

Todays the day! Its the last day of midterms in SMK Seafield! ^_^

Wish me luck! My chinese is sooooooo DEAD! I cant remember a single "ming ju jing hua" from my book. >.< By the way, my legs getting better ^_^ it heals fast ^_^

Friday, May 15, 2009

I Feel Dead...

Some how I have Managed to scratch myself really deep some how.....wanna know how it happened?

I was totally about to blow up at my mum and my maid( you may think maids are suppose to keep their bloody mouth shut, well mine aint gonna unless I sew em' up TIGHT). It all started after my Saturday morning taekwondo class. I went to change, my mum called.


J: In the bathroom.....changing.......why?

M: Haiyo! Quickly la!! I'll slaughter you if you dont get here quick!!

J: Your the one that asked me to change.

M: OH now you blame it on me lar!!! IS IT?!

J: I'm done....

Mum hung up.

Then supermarket time! WHEEEE~.... mummy was all "Aiyo! you stupid bloody mistake! why arent you helping me carry all this(BTW my hands were already full with books). "

Me going " cant you see my hands are full?" and she pushing me " you stupid girl" then another push " your such a mistake!" and another push " I should have never fucked your stupid lazy-ass father in the first place!!"

and me going all O____O

Alright now my miads turn.

M: Jenniper!!(yes its not me mispelling my name, its how she really calls me by my fucked-up name my so called parents gave me) AIYO! Simpan beg kamu la!!! Nanti pergi jemur baju!! Saya sudah tak ada tangan lagi!! Kalau kamu mahu saya di sini, AWAS LU...nanti saya lari!!! baru tahu!!

J: -is at computer sitting cross~legged and scratching leg HARD- oh ok...

M: AWAS LU! -goes in toilet then comes out and yells- CEPAT LA!!

J: -scratches leg even harder-


It stings ALOT right now .....

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Exams :(

Hellow! ^_^

I am here because I am bored till my skull came off... T_T sad eh? :D

Anyways, exams are coming and I have actually finished studying bab 1 for sejarah. I am so PROUD! ^_^ I have noticed that i have a lot of home work..... o.o better get goin...

Bye BYe!! and break a leg everyone!! ^_^

Saturday, May 9, 2009


I just watched "X-men Origins- Wolverine" and I must say it was seriously boring. The only part I liked was where Logan/jimmy's brother, Victor aka Sabretooth(Liev Schreiber) kills other mutants.


Victor is so far my favorite one in the movie, he is the one that brings in the action and everything. Plus, he aint that bad looking ;D

Wesak Day was today and since I'm not a very religious person, I did not go to a temple.

Have fun. ROCK ON!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Yes! Everyone, I am posting once again :D

I promised myself that I would update my blog more often now as I dont want a DEAD blog. I just found out that Ruth and Rachel have blogs aswell, you can go visit if you want. You do know where the links are riight?? o.o

School today was okay, Chanel did not go to school. Whats wrong dear? I seriously wonder why. None of the teachers did much teaching today though, it was actually weird.

Short post as there is nothing to talk about.

BTW, I totally disagree with you Wee Ren!!

" Friends never last forever, friends are meant to be used to reach our goals." says Wee Ren.

=.= sad sad SAD little boy. This is why you have no friends!! :D

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


My Blog ish DEAD! I know I know :D

But you cant blame me for not updating, since school has been really hectic lately..

I have like 2 more projects to do i think (see what i mean by hectic?! i cant even remember what i have to do).

Anyways, Update time ^__^

1 little word can already describe how my life is turning out to be....

HECTIC! or maybe FREAKISH! or you can also try DARK! or DAMNED!

By the way, I have just noticed how much I love the picture of "Rocking Vampire" right above my blog, all thanks to.......


ZHOU YEN!!! ^___^

We had our KH cooking thing today, and me and ZY made fussili(pasta) and fruit punch. The teacher was so proud since we set up the table oh-so nicely, plus, we had a vase with A flower, seashells and paper stars ^^ It was rocking! as usual. BUT. We had a little problem along the way, we did not bring a plastic bag to put all the rubbish in and we did not bring a ragged cloth to wipe-wipe our side of the kitchen. Fortunately, JD and JM had a plastic bag and we managed to stuff ours in AND only our side of the kitchen provides cloth, so we were lucky enough to get that side, get me? ^___^

I just remebered that we did not bring any napkins, which is weird cause that would be the first thing on my mind usually. :D