Saturday, October 23, 2010

Balance It Up!

Hi! It has not been very long since my previous post but then I promised my girl girl that I would blog more often now and not let my bloggie die, so, here I am!

The dinner I had during my mummy's cousin's wedding was awesome. Then again, it was awfully boringg throughout the whole thing. I guess I just don't know how to entertain myself properly. I spent the entire time just watching video's and listening to music on my iPod. Though only at suitable times otherwise I'll seem like some rude brat!

But moving on, did I mention that me and my girl girl won a fashion designing competition? It was truthfully hard to believe since well . . . it was not exactly first place material. And it could be because our form teacher was the one that was judging. LOL. But its fine, since we totally just lost our cooking competition, freakinlastplacewth? We won first place for the fashion designing competition to balance up the lost! :D

Lately I have been spending my time either talking on msn or reading manga through the internet (what shall I do without you?). I'm not complaining. Now, I have developed a liking for facebook games. . .

Seafield Challenge was on Monday! So far we're one of the leading teams, The We Love Jafny Team. Encik Jafny is the organizer for this game so we thought we would shwo our "appreaciation" by naming our team after him. It was Tze Ken's idea.

Till' next time! :D

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I'm Alive!

It has been such a longgg time since I've updated my blog D: but I'm here now :D So far after PMR, life has been sloww. Though me and my girl girl have been joining competitions that are being held in school! Unfortunately, we lost the cooking contest *cough*racism*cough* but we got 1st prize! for the fashion designing one~ Next week is our Seafield Challenge, its like the Amazing Race and the good ol' Fear Factor combined. It sounds fun to be honest so lets all hope it is!

Things we need for Seafield Challenge :
- newspaper x4
- aluminium tins x4
- medium sized box x1
- 1.5L bottles x3
- black rubbish bags x8
- chopsticks! x3

Besides that, today was alright, my poor girl girl was sick so she did not go to school D: but luckily Marion, Lick Yin and Brandon were oh-so-kind to teman me. ^.^ Well thats allll for now, bye!