Thursday, February 12, 2009


I am now reading a book called "Drums, Girls & Dangerous Pie". That book that really sad SAD book made me so grateful that I am a healthy girl with a great family even if they dont appreciate me that much still I love them.

Someone once told me that he is very grateful to his mum even if his mum actually walked out on him. Still, he loves his mum because without them, he wont be living right now. He is grateful that his parents taught him right. He does not take drugs or smoke or even kill. No matter how much pain the mother had caused him to suffer like a wounded whimperring deer, he still loves his mum dearly. And for that I then cherished the moments I have with my family.

And after reading that book, I am now very grateful to my lil' brother, Yes he may be annoying sometimes but still I am grateful.

It may come to a surprise to you but now Im learning to appreciate my mum and (maybe) my dad. They brought me up right. I dont take drugs or smoke, I do sometimes drink but still I am very grateful to them. I might be in the hospital suffering but I'm not and for that I am very grateful to my parents.

Heres another list of things...

What Would I Do If I Had Cancer.
- Live the rest of my days happily!
- Finish all homework given by teacher(yes including form 1)
- Write my will.
- Sleep early and rise early in the morning too.
- Buy tons of gifts for for family and friends.
- Finish up the story me and my friend are working on.
- Confess all my sins to God. (even if I am not a christian I can still do it)
- Get a tatoo on the back of my neck like I have always wanted.
- Give my blog to my brother.
- Repay all debts.
- Learn how to use oven and bake cookies(chocolate chip)
- Be 100% honest if anyone asks me anything or me judging something.
- Say bye no matter what it takes to everyone on msn when its time to go(before i go to the hospital)

I wanna ask you all something, What will you do if I really had cancer? Im not joking about this question. Please answer honestly. 100% honesty! ^^

In either my cbox/ leave a comment. :)

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