Friday, February 13, 2009

Another List Of Things.

Im just bored. I know its a friday and everyone would be like...playing...and stuff but alas im bored till my eyes are stressed out cause i have been staring the computer screen for the past 15 mins. My eyes hurt.

Scars are like memories, some you may not want to remember.

Got that from a friend. That friend is awesome! Heres another list of things.

What Would Happen If I Became An Assasin

- A step closer to death.
- Will buy a really nice shotgun/TMP/striker.
- Will drive around in a very nice car. (Ferrari Spider)
- Will practice aiming and shooting every single day.
- Change name.
- Make a fake ID and passport.
- Try not to fail missions.
- Try to suceed in missions.
- Try to kill all targeted enemies.
- Try to save bullets and not waste them on worthless people.
- Have the catch phrase "See you in Hell" and then shoot the guy.
- Buy nice clothes after getting the money.
- Upgrade car. (Make car faster)
- Build own driving range for own to practice driving the car in several unique ways.
- Build own lab and arcade(hey, a assasin needs to relax too sometimes).
- Try to live as long as possible(OBVIOUSLY!)
- Try to be nice to enemies.

Thats it.

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