Friday, February 26, 2010

3 Seconds Yo!

My heart stops for 3 seconds every single day. No joke here my lovely's. I'm not exactly sure if I have that stupid allergy / sickness that makes you sneeze and shit every morning but whatever.

My parents think I'm abnormal and want me to go for therapy! ZOMG! Im actually excited to see how this whole thing turns out. =3=" Apparently me and my dosaeng made a promise to each other that we would have this project we shall do in school (after out exams of course) and this "project" requires tin foil. I was packing tin foil into a tupperware since I had no where else to put it ( I couldnt put it into a plastic bag or something since I, myself know that I am very careless and might just squah it in some certain way. My very decent looking mummy who was about to go to work on Friday gave me a very "WTF? Are you doing" look.

"Why are you packing tin foil into a tupperware?" says mummy dearest.

"Because I have a very important matter to attend to in school which requires tin foil." replied moi' .

Mummy apparently thinks I'm crazy obviously and told little little daddy about this.

Daddy = Agrees with anything mummy says.

Sooooooo~, my parents are thinking of sending me to a fellow friend of theirs who happens to be a therapist or pshycologist, I forgot.

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