Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Negative-ness o.o

I've been thinking about blogging but somehow all the ideas I have just go fluttering away like a butterfly e.e It sucks..

Anywho evryone knows you'll eventually get back your test results and yes I know its a little too late for me to blog about it but I would seriously like to rant about the marks I got for my art. I got 23/30 and I'm furious with the reason I was given when I asked why I got so fucking low.

" No Negativity"

Fuck. Seriously what the fuck? They asked us to draw the year 2020, well fine, I did. They asked to us to randomize it, which I also did. BUT they did not fucking put the words "No Negative Thinking" in Malay. Screw that. I mean I drew the world falling and crashing and being destroyed. I admit it was a little harsh of me to do so but what the hell? They already came up with a movie 2012 about the world being destroyed. You better be grateful I gave you another extra 8 fucking years to live your pathetic little lives you stupid bastard teachers. I mean who came up with this thing? "No negativity" Psshh my arse.

Chanel told me that my header isn't moving anymore and of course I found out XD so I'm looking around for a new picture o.o Any ideas? XD

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