Friday, August 29, 2008

Today was F-U-N...FUN!!!

Today was really nice i mean besides the part where i had to wait in school for 2 whole hours, it was NICE!!!

Today we spent ALMOST the whole day in the dewan watching some performances from the form 2's. It started off really boring cause the teachers were talking in offence to the malays but i seriously dont get what the hell they said...oh well i did'nt rugi also oh well...XD. And i was also sleeping the whole way through...seriously!!!

But after all 4!!! of the speeches, we laughed all the way through cause the guys we sat next to were so damn funny and now I will start using their real names, no more alphabet or numbers to replace their name. I might put nicknames since they love theirs i gave them...hehe :D.

Ok anyways, when the form 2's were singing away on stage, the guys-Raymus, Tze Ken and Phillis[actually Philip but i call him that cause it makes him sissy hehe :D] were making fun of them and me and my friend were laughing the whole way through...haha i can even rmb the feeling of laughter from that exact time[if you get what i mean].

When the play on how Malaysia went MERDEKA MERDEKA MERDEKA the whole way, we[as in the guys and me and my friend] were laughing at their act.Especially the part where a guy was trying to rape a guy[guy wearing baju kurung and acted as a girl], everybody laughed real loudly. And after that Raymus complained that there is a girl next to him that was actually snorting when she laughed. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! okok no more teasing :D.

Then when the form 2's had their singing thingy AGAIN, all three guys leaned against each other and squished Phillis!!! HEHE!!! Which also squashed Tze Ken's bottle with 2 holes on the cap which sprayed me and Mei Yee[my friend] and the guys which we ended up all wet!!!

We dried after like 10 minutes cause not much water sprayed us and continued to blab all the way through the performance. We got some lyrics which was given out by some sissy prefects who danced their way through the dewan by hopping here and there. And mine got chewed and eaten by Tze Ken...really...and he spitted it out...DISGUSTING!!!

At the end of the performance we all stood up and may i tell you that it felt sooooo good standing up since we sat down for like 3-4 or maybe more hours to sing some patriotic[if tats how u spell it] songs.

Well by the time we ate which was like at around 5 something, it was already science the last maybe the first or second period i dunno hehe :D. Well during science some students i must admit they are really TALL came in and passed us the books we bought.

And lemme tell you i did'nt do anything during science exept read 1 of Phillis' books which was really nice i am going to lend it on like maybe thursday or friday it depends how fast Min Rui[friend] can read it.

And so thats wat happened today so hope you enjoyed this post cause i know i enjoyed typing it out!!! :D

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