Friday, June 4, 2010

Got me thinking

Just recently thought of something after watching a Q & A of my favorite band.

Interveiwer = I
Person I adore = S

I : What is something which you can tolerate in the world?
S : That 1 person out of 6 is dying from starvation in the world right now in the 21st century. Rather than exploring space, we should do something about it.

That really got me thinking @.@ And well he's right. Those scientists should do something about it. Instead of investigating space for further research or to find somewhere else so stay when Earth is destroyed, they could at least order a few people and do something about the starvation etc. I don't think money would be a problem yes? Saving the earth = recycle, reduce, reuse, renew and respect.

Moving on, I shall be able to blog more now? Since exams are over and the holidays are here? I've recently finished several projects about recycling etc so I'm in that kind of mood at the moment. And hence the 5 R above.

I'm getting more and more frustrated over my books. Apparently I can't stand them for some reason. I just want to shove them into the cupboard again. I have no idea why. No, it is not because I do not want to study. No , it is not because I am a lazy-ass which I am sometimes. No, its not because its boring. No, its not because since exams are over and hence why I;m not in the studying mood. No, its not about the whole issue I'm worrying about which I have stated above.

Au Revoir! I'm going to Ipoh tomorrow! ^.^

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