I'm very excited about tomorrow's class party! Let's just hope no one ruins it. =3="
I want my mummy home x-x" For some reason, I'm missing her more than usual. Could it be because of my over emotional-ness? =-="
Moving on, I've been asking around whether anyone likes prawns since well. . . my girl girl is going to go buy prawns O: If we still have left over, we shall da bao.
So tired, but yet I feel like sleeping really late tonight!
My "thing" came back. I'm one sad little cow right now. Grrrr! If I have to go through this every month, I think I can just go let my dog kill me. x--x"
Speaking of which. . .
Jackson! 8D I can't manage to go snap a photo of my golden retriever since she keeps moving. She's like some machine, she will not stop moving.
I really hope tomorrow will turn out awesome and everything goes as planned! c:
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