Hello. Tomorrow will be the last day of school and also our headmistress's retirement ceremony. *sigh*
I realized in school that since I did a makeup post for Saturday. I did not blog for Sunday. x-x" I couldn't finish this post just now since it was raining + thunder storm so I was afraid that everything might blow up. So I switched everything off. Only 2 more days then I'll leave for the US. *sigh* I don't really want to go anymore.
Dinner was just ordinary. Cabbage, cabbage soup and chicken. I think we're trying to finish up all the leftovers.
There are still letters that need to be sent out. I really hope I can manage to find those teachers. And I really hope they won't kill me for giving it to them so late >.<
I am a bit worried, that the teachers might not let Aunty Audrey pick up my results. Shit.
I have not finished packing, neither have I finished planning the trip for New York and Florida.
Played Pico just now. and Mall world. . . pet Society too. Yes, I'm STILL playing Pet Society but thats just cause' my pet is rearing her very own pets too. Dogs. So I have to feed them and all otherwise they'll run away.
I do hope I'll get everything settled by tomorrow. Otherwise even on the plane I'll be jumpy and all. Who knows, I might even faint.
It has been quite some time since I blogged. I stopped even before PMR but I blogging again. To those who sat for PMR, do you think you'll achieve your goal?
Not trying to pressure or stress you out or anything lmao.
Oh no, my thing started again. Words needed for this post is at least 450 words. A few hundred to go?
I'm reading this book by Sophie Kinsella called "Can You Keep A Secret?". Its quite enjoyable. When I have completely nothing to do, I'll sit and read that. Before I sleep, when my eyes are still not tired and won't close, I'll read. Reading strains your eyes.
My mummy has found out that her phone can't read chinese words nor can she recieve MMS's. Maybe she needs to like download something to her phone? o.O
I keep copy and pasting this post to Word. Apparently now its definitely more than 379 words. Just a few more to go.
It appears that I shall be staying back in school tomorrow till' 5 in the evening. Rachel has been a huge help x-x" Thank youuu Rachel!
I hope my girl girl is feeling alright. o-o"
I decided to bring the book I mentioned earlier to school. Just in case I bore myself to death. I at least have something to entertain me.
So far, every sentence I type out, I'll skip a line. So If I were to post it up now, I think its gonna be one very long looking post. I shall tweet while I'm there and I shall try to not worry so bloody much. Join Twitter! O:
Word Count : 513 words.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Make Up Post For Today!
I was out the whole day today, since 2.30 in the afternoon till' 11 at night. Tired! But it was extremely fun!! 8D I'm so happy that it turned out perfectly. Though my girl girl had to leave early *sigh* but still it was awesome.
Does this mean I have to make up for all my blog post? Hmm, okay I shall make this one a long one to make up for today's unwritten posts. 150 words x 4 = 600 words. Not a problem!
Ruth picked me up from my place back to her place at around 2.40pm. We reached around 3pm. Soon after, Ruth had to go with her mum to buy a few things so I was left alone with her brother, Issac. He was still in primary school in Lick Hung so there was'nt much to talk about. Though he did entertain me. When he thought I seemed bored, he switched on the TV for me and lent me this book. It was a pop-up book filled with pictures and notes of prehistoric reptiles and mammals. He sat with me for a while flipping the pages revealing pop-out cut outs of dinosaurs, bats, mammal etc. I was really amazed not by thier characteristics but by the pictures. We even laughed at this particular one of an insect. . which was scary o-o"
Soon, Rachel, Ngee Jin and my girl girl reached already. We sat down and watched TV for a bit until it was time to finally start cooking. My girl girl decided to go make noodles with oyster sauce. It tasted superb to be honest. So it needed a little more sauce, but thats just because we couldnt mix it properly since we left it there too "cool" for too long. So by the time we wanted to eat it, it was a bit. . . hard. While we were cooking, everyone started coming already.
After that, we decided to start the fire for our BBQ. We had a little trouble at first but then we got the hang of it! Everything turned out fine except for maybe a few of those chickens which we tested on when the fire just started blazing out and all. Sausages, chicken, corn, stingray, salad and ice cream. Though, the ones who were helping cook, did not eat much. But still, all of us admitted that it was more fun cooking then eating inside.
Besides that, theres nothing much to say. We just talked and stuff and me and my girl girl had fun hopping around feeding people sausages LOL.
I actually saved this post a while ago because I had to go over to my aunts. I'm finally back and tired. Later around 7.30pm I have to go pick up my passport sized photos. While I was at my aunts, me, my 2 cousins, my brother and my grandmum went over to Kayu Nasi Kandar to eat. Roti Boom and Roti Tisu is awesome. Especially Roti Tisu. I've been there so many times and every single time I'm there, I'll always order roti tisu. No fail.
I'm soon about to leave the country and my poor dogs won't have rice and stuff for dinner anymore. They'll be stuck with dog biscuits and maybe if they're lucky some bones for a month. Tomorrow I'll have to give the letters etc to the people in charge in school. I shall pray to god that they will accept and let aunty Audrey pick up my PMR results. My mood swings has gotten better already. I'm not as emotional and shit as before. In fact, I'm actually okay. Not fantastically happy but better than before.
Today, I helped my mummy pick papayas since we have papaya trees growing at the back of our yard. 4 of them x-x" I'm not a big fan of papaya's so ehhh.
Word count : 645 words. (I used Word to count, LOL.)
Till' next time!
Does this mean I have to make up for all my blog post? Hmm, okay I shall make this one a long one to make up for today's unwritten posts. 150 words x 4 = 600 words. Not a problem!
Ruth picked me up from my place back to her place at around 2.40pm. We reached around 3pm. Soon after, Ruth had to go with her mum to buy a few things so I was left alone with her brother, Issac. He was still in primary school in Lick Hung so there was'nt much to talk about. Though he did entertain me. When he thought I seemed bored, he switched on the TV for me and lent me this book. It was a pop-up book filled with pictures and notes of prehistoric reptiles and mammals. He sat with me for a while flipping the pages revealing pop-out cut outs of dinosaurs, bats, mammal etc. I was really amazed not by thier characteristics but by the pictures. We even laughed at this particular one of an insect. . which was scary o-o"
Soon, Rachel, Ngee Jin and my girl girl reached already. We sat down and watched TV for a bit until it was time to finally start cooking. My girl girl decided to go make noodles with oyster sauce. It tasted superb to be honest. So it needed a little more sauce, but thats just because we couldnt mix it properly since we left it there too "cool" for too long. So by the time we wanted to eat it, it was a bit. . . hard. While we were cooking, everyone started coming already.
After that, we decided to start the fire for our BBQ. We had a little trouble at first but then we got the hang of it! Everything turned out fine except for maybe a few of those chickens which we tested on when the fire just started blazing out and all. Sausages, chicken, corn, stingray, salad and ice cream. Though, the ones who were helping cook, did not eat much. But still, all of us admitted that it was more fun cooking then eating inside.
Besides that, theres nothing much to say. We just talked and stuff and me and my girl girl had fun hopping around feeding people sausages LOL.
I actually saved this post a while ago because I had to go over to my aunts. I'm finally back and tired. Later around 7.30pm I have to go pick up my passport sized photos. While I was at my aunts, me, my 2 cousins, my brother and my grandmum went over to Kayu Nasi Kandar to eat. Roti Boom and Roti Tisu is awesome. Especially Roti Tisu. I've been there so many times and every single time I'm there, I'll always order roti tisu. No fail.
I'm soon about to leave the country and my poor dogs won't have rice and stuff for dinner anymore. They'll be stuck with dog biscuits and maybe if they're lucky some bones for a month. Tomorrow I'll have to give the letters etc to the people in charge in school. I shall pray to god that they will accept and let aunty Audrey pick up my PMR results. My mood swings has gotten better already. I'm not as emotional and shit as before. In fact, I'm actually okay. Not fantastically happy but better than before.
Today, I helped my mummy pick papayas since we have papaya trees growing at the back of our yard. 4 of them x-x" I'm not a big fan of papaya's so ehhh.
Word count : 645 words. (I used Word to count, LOL.)
Till' next time!
Friday, November 12, 2010
4th Post of the Day // Ready?!
4th post for yesterday!
I realized this morning when I woke up that I forgot to blog the 4th and final post for yesterday. So this shall be a make up post :D
I just realized that I forgot to eat lunch, so I'll just save my appetite for our class party later. We shall make it the best class party we've ever been to!
Anyways, the first thing I did this morning was pack everything to bring to Ruth & Rachel's house for our class party.
Things to bring :
- Aprons
- "Kiap" Thingies
- BBQ Sticks
- Tupperwares
- Maggie Mee
- Chocolate Syrup
- Phone
- Oyster Sauce
- Extra Charcoal
- Starter
- Sweets?
I'm really excited! I really hope everything goes well later. Should I bring sweets? O:
Well, Ruth is going to be picking me up soon. So I should go get ready! :D

Photobucket smileys are funny
I realized this morning when I woke up that I forgot to blog the 4th and final post for yesterday. So this shall be a make up post :D
I just realized that I forgot to eat lunch, so I'll just save my appetite for our class party later. We shall make it the best class party we've ever been to!
Anyways, the first thing I did this morning was pack everything to bring to Ruth & Rachel's house for our class party.
Things to bring :
- Aprons
- "Kiap" Thingies
- BBQ Sticks
- Tupperwares
- Maggie Mee
- Chocolate Syrup
- Phone
- Oyster Sauce
- Extra Charcoal
- Starter
- Sweets?
I'm really excited! I really hope everything goes well later. Should I bring sweets? O:
Well, Ruth is going to be picking me up soon. So I should go get ready! :D
Photobucket smileys are funny
3rd Post of the Day // Machinee
3rd Post of the Day so far, one more to go, LOL. During the holidays, I can't keep this up forever so I promised my girl girl that I would tweet every hour. Thats now a very hard thing to do. Expect more tweets from me! 8D
I'm very excited about tomorrow's class party! Let's just hope no one ruins it. =3="
I want my mummy home x-x" For some reason, I'm missing her more than usual. Could it be because of my over emotional-ness? =-="
Moving on, I've been asking around whether anyone likes prawns since well. . . my girl girl is going to go buy prawns O: If we still have left over, we shall da bao.
So tired, but yet I feel like sleeping really late tonight!
My "thing" came back. I'm one sad little cow right now. Grrrr! If I have to go through this every month, I think I can just go let my dog kill me. x--x"
Speaking of which. . .

Jackson! 8D I can't manage to go snap a photo of my golden retriever since she keeps moving. She's like some machine, she will not stop moving.
I really hope tomorrow will turn out awesome and everything goes as planned! c:
I'm very excited about tomorrow's class party! Let's just hope no one ruins it. =3="
I want my mummy home x-x" For some reason, I'm missing her more than usual. Could it be because of my over emotional-ness? =-="
Moving on, I've been asking around whether anyone likes prawns since well. . . my girl girl is going to go buy prawns O: If we still have left over, we shall da bao.
So tired, but yet I feel like sleeping really late tonight!
My "thing" came back. I'm one sad little cow right now. Grrrr! If I have to go through this every month, I think I can just go let my dog kill me. x--x"
Speaking of which. . .
Jackson! 8D I can't manage to go snap a photo of my golden retriever since she keeps moving. She's like some machine, she will not stop moving.
I really hope tomorrow will turn out awesome and everything goes as planned! c:
2nd Post of the Day // Frenzy
2nd post of the day already. My parents went out for a meeting so I'm alone at home with my brother. he's playing this game called "Gun's" I think. You K.O real easily x-x
I was on a RE 4 frenzy yesterday o-o" I aimed perfectly well too. Better than how I usually do XD Funnn. . .
Did you have fun yesterday? :D
Thing to bring for class party:
1) Charcoal
2) Starter
3) Tupperware's
4) "Kiap" thing
5) Sticks? (might not need since I have #4)
6) Whip cream and chocolate syrup
7) Phone
8) Extra shirt? (I don't think this is necessary, still considering xD)
9) Girl girl's guardian stamp
10 ) Piece of paper with Ruth and Rachel's house address and phone number.

Photobucket is funny.
I was on a RE 4 frenzy yesterday o-o" I aimed perfectly well too. Better than how I usually do XD Funnn. . .
Did you have fun yesterday? :D
1) Charcoal
2) Starter
3) Tupperware's
4) "Kiap" thing
5) Sticks? (might not need since I have #4)
6) Whip cream and chocolate syrup
7) Phone
8) Extra shirt? (I don't think this is necessary, still considering xD)
9) Girl girl's guardian stamp
10 ) Piece of paper with Ruth and Rachel's house address and phone number.
Photobucket is funny.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
1st Post of the Day // 160th Blog Post!
Happy 160th Blog Post! ^^ LOL, I just realized I forgot to blog after school. I did it around 2 yesterday. . .
Anyway, today me and my girl girl had a lot o fun in school with Su Ann, Ngee Jin, Ruth and Rachel. We have all paired up and decided to wear matching colors during our class party! Me and my girl girl will be wearing pink O:
Yesterday, while I was looking through my cupboard of clothes, I realized how big. . no, humongous I was during my primary school years. Everything that Ive tried on was effing tight last time, is so loose now!
I'm happy I lost weight and all but sad that I used to be so big o-o" I never knew I was. . I actually thought I was . . .fun-sized. . .
Anyways, I'll be back to blog more later :D Toodles!
Ameba Pico! Play now :D
Anyway, today me and my girl girl had a lot o fun in school with Su Ann, Ngee Jin, Ruth and Rachel. We have all paired up and decided to wear matching colors during our class party! Me and my girl girl will be wearing pink O:
Yesterday, while I was looking through my cupboard of clothes, I realized how big. . no, humongous I was during my primary school years. Everything that Ive tried on was effing tight last time, is so loose now!
I'm happy I lost weight and all but sad that I used to be so big o-o" I never knew I was. . I actually thought I was . . .fun-sized. . .
Anyways, I'll be back to blog more later :D Toodles!
Ameba Pico! Play now :D

4th Post of the Day // Goodnight
After this post, then its one more post till the 160th post! This is the 4th post of the day! :D and its night time already. I should actually be in bed. Instead, I'm here blogging.
My mummy made me feel better after opening up to her + watching some really funny videos(well at least to me they are). SPBT tomorrow. My daddy promised to help me carry my books instead of power walking back to the car leaving me there. . .
I'm using twitter more often now. Its actually quite fun.
OTL = ??? I really don't know. .
Anyway , its time for bed, so I should go! Bye bye! till' the next post which should be very, VERY soon. ^^
My mummy made me feel better after opening up to her + watching some really funny videos(well at least to me they are). SPBT tomorrow. My daddy promised to help me carry my books instead of power walking back to the car leaving me there. . .
I'm using twitter more often now. Its actually quite fun.
OTL = ??? I really don't know. .
Anyway , its time for bed, so I should go! Bye bye! till' the next post which should be very, VERY soon. ^^
3rd Post of the Day // Chowder
After dinner blog post O: 3rd blog entry of the day so far. This isn't that bad. Its actually okay having to blog every few hours later.
Anyways, dinner was delicious. I had chicken today. Then there were these spicy vegetable which I could not keep my hands off. They were awesomee. Soup was tomato soup or how its called in my house, ABC soup.
Lately I have been feeling very sad. I don't know why but yeah. Plus, I only feel this way. . .at night =-=" So annoying.
I'll just have to get through it by staring or watching something that makes me happy I guess, cause' so far, that is what I have been doing for the past few days.
Things To Do Still . . .
- Plan the trip
- Wait for Brandon to give me photocopied IC's
- 4 passport sized photo's
- Photostat my IC
- Make sure I do not bloody hell cry in the middle of the night because I am such an overemotional bitch atm. Eff.
PMS? I think not.
Here's a GIF of Chowder! o-o"
Anyways, dinner was delicious. I had chicken today. Then there were these spicy vegetable which I could not keep my hands off. They were awesomee. Soup was tomato soup or how its called in my house, ABC soup.
Lately I have been feeling very sad. I don't know why but yeah. Plus, I only feel this way. . .at night =-=" So annoying.
I'll just have to get through it by staring or watching something that makes me happy I guess, cause' so far, that is what I have been doing for the past few days.
Things To Do Still . . .
- Plan the trip
- Wait for Brandon to give me photocopied IC's
- 4 passport sized photo's
- Photostat my IC
- Make sure I do not bloody hell cry in the middle of the night because I am such an overemotional bitch atm. Eff.
PMS? I think not.
Here's a GIF of Chowder! o-o"
2nd Post of the Day // Gummies!
2nd post of the day O: Funny how time flies ^^
I am now apparently playing this game on facebook called Ameba Pico. Its really fun o.o You have to get Pico Props! to earn pico money which are called Gummies in the game.
I'll have to go get my SPBT books tomorrow. So I better make sure I have a recycled bag in my bag so I won't have to suffer so much D< !
Is it a 150 words yet? D: I guess not. . .
I just dressed up my Pico. If you dress it up everyday, you earn 10Gummies!

My pico's theme today is red and blue. Sadly, in order to change my appearance, meaning air etc, it'll cost me 300 Gummies! \(~-~)/
Things in Ameba Pico are really expensive too. So if you just started playing it, you might have trouble o-o" Though, the daily scratch cards and tasks will help a bunch!
I shall go around PicoWorld and get pico props. So till' next time, which would be after dinner!
I am now apparently playing this game on facebook called Ameba Pico. Its really fun o.o You have to get Pico Props! to earn pico money which are called Gummies in the game.
I'll have to go get my SPBT books tomorrow. So I better make sure I have a recycled bag in my bag so I won't have to suffer so much D< !
Is it a 150 words yet? D: I guess not. . .
I just dressed up my Pico. If you dress it up everyday, you earn 10Gummies!

My pico's theme today is red and blue. Sadly, in order to change my appearance, meaning air etc, it'll cost me 300 Gummies! \(~-~)/
Things in Ameba Pico are really expensive too. So if you just started playing it, you might have trouble o-o" Though, the daily scratch cards and tasks will help a bunch!
I shall go around PicoWorld and get pico props. So till' next time, which would be after dinner!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Dirty Little Secret
Hi, well today, me and my girl girl made a bet and I apparently lost so now I have to blog for like 4 times. Once in the afternoon after school, then evening, after dinner and before I go to bed.
We were playing this game in the library with my Scrabble-liked game. You can actually stack it up. Uhm, I was required to guess someone's name. So the bet was, if I lose, I'll have to blog 4 times a day. If I win, my girl girl will have to belanja me recess for the entire week.
It doesn't really make a difference so its fine really.
At least 150 words + picture for every blog post. This should be at least 150 words, right?
Apparently, Brandon told me and my girl girl a VERY dirty little secret about a friend of ours. Uh oh!
Picture is above, LOL. Its a smiley but still o.o I got it off photobucket O:
We were playing this game in the library with my Scrabble-liked game. You can actually stack it up. Uhm, I was required to guess someone's name. So the bet was, if I lose, I'll have to blog 4 times a day. If I win, my girl girl will have to belanja me recess for the entire week.
It doesn't really make a difference so its fine really.
At least 150 words + picture for every blog post. This should be at least 150 words, right?
Apparently, Brandon told me and my girl girl a VERY dirty little secret about a friend of ours. Uh oh!
Picture is above, LOL. Its a smiley but still o.o I got it off photobucket O:
Thursday, November 4, 2010
The Deepavali holiday recently just started. Happy Deepavali btw! So we've be given a week off. Lately all I've been doing is surf the net, reading interviews etc. I've also been exercising more regularly now since I have nothing to look forward to at the moment.
- Made our team logo's and came up with a song/cheer (it was mostly a song)
- PLayed this balloon game where we tied a balloon on our ankles and we have to go step/pop the opponents balloon and avoid BEING popped. Kowaii yo~
- Ended with a very disgusting feeling. Hands + touching + balloon = disgusting.
Seafield Challenge // Day 2
- Fear Factor
- Touched worms
- Screamed
- I felt disgusted with myself [if you think I'm bad, you have no idea how the others were]
Seafield Challenge // Day 3
- I played basketball, I am still amazed at the results. [Our team scored 2 balls<-sound so wrong weih]
- While 3 girls from our team played basketball, the rest had to do other challenges, like the water balloon fight.
- Lesson learnt : Avoid contact with basketballs.
Seafield Challenge // Day 4
- The Amazing Race
- Ran around school collecting items.
- Some form 6 scolded my girl girl, OTL.
- I didn't have to touch worms! Woot!
- Collected everything, had to go cook them. .
- Success, we just did not win.
- Everyone loved our tomato carved into a Halloween likes figurine, Tze Ken's idea.
- Eggs I scrambled were a huge fail since I had no bowl to beat them in.
Seafield Challenge // Day 5[Last Day]
- Fashion Show
- Used recycables to go "decorate" the king and queen and mascot for our team.
- Our theme : Orangutan / monkey
- Jenny (another girl named Jenny, not me) looked very pretty.
- Wee Ren looked like hulk.
- Guo Zhi looked like a. . .monkey.
- Had to go get our principle's signature.
- Sang for our principle so she would give us her signature.
- She loved our team song, so asked us to sing for the other teachers too!
- Everyone thought it was awesome.
- We recieved an 89/90 score. Not bad!
Winners for Seafield Challenge will be announced on Monday.
We've been busy planning our class party [in other words, what to do with the class fund we've been collecting for the past years]. We have all not decided on where and what to do for the class party, but we have decided on a date. Maybe the 14th? But according to the FB event page it says 13th which is most unlikely. They probably made a mistake or something, someone should tell them, yes?
Life has been slow, very slow after PMR. Since its after PMR, our brilliant counseling teacher came up with Seafield Challenge, so us form 3's wont be die of boredom in the hall.
Seafield Challenge // Day 1
- Made our team logo's and came up with a song/cheer (it was mostly a song)
- PLayed this balloon game where we tied a balloon on our ankles and we have to go step/pop the opponents balloon and avoid BEING popped. Kowaii yo~
- Ended with a very disgusting feeling. Hands + touching + balloon = disgusting.
Seafield Challenge // Day 2
- Fear Factor
- Touched worms
- Screamed
- I felt disgusted with myself [if you think I'm bad, you have no idea how the others were]
Seafield Challenge // Day 3
- I played basketball, I am still amazed at the results. [Our team scored 2 balls<-sound so wrong weih]
- While 3 girls from our team played basketball, the rest had to do other challenges, like the water balloon fight.
- Lesson learnt : Avoid contact with basketballs.
Seafield Challenge // Day 4
- The Amazing Race
- Ran around school collecting items.
- Some form 6 scolded my girl girl, OTL.
- I didn't have to touch worms! Woot!
- Collected everything, had to go cook them. .
- Success, we just did not win.
- Everyone loved our tomato carved into a Halloween likes figurine, Tze Ken's idea.
- Eggs I scrambled were a huge fail since I had no bowl to beat them in.
Seafield Challenge // Day 5[Last Day]
- Fashion Show
- Used recycables to go "decorate" the king and queen and mascot for our team.
- Our theme : Orangutan / monkey
- Jenny (another girl named Jenny, not me) looked very pretty.
- Wee Ren looked like hulk.
- Guo Zhi looked like a. . .monkey.
- Had to go get our principle's signature.
- Sang for our principle so she would give us her signature.
- She loved our team song, so asked us to sing for the other teachers too!
- Everyone thought it was awesome.
- We recieved an 89/90 score. Not bad!
Winners for Seafield Challenge will be announced on Monday.
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