My so called 'friend', Holly Mckenzie. Hmm, what can I say she is a total WHORE!!! She was my friend, but not any more that evil Bitch UGHH!!!
1) She stole one of my friend I just met in High School.
2) She is trying to steal my bf.
3) She is a total SLUT!!!!
4) She backstabbed me.
5) She treats me as a 'friend', but actually hates me.
6) She is a total BITCH!!!
7) I hate her!!!
8) She told everyone my secret!!!
She maybe lil' miss honour student in my class, but she's really a backstabbing, rude, fugly, slutty & whore-like, bitchy girl. She tells everyone guys fall for her easily, but seriously thats is so not true!!! She thinks the whole world revolves around her!!! Sooooooo not an honour student!!!
After stealing my friend, Karen, Karen won't even talk to me. When i ask her something, she'll either answer " GET AWAY FROM ME BITCH!!!" or don't even bother to answer at all. It seems like Holly filled Karen's lil' mind with STUFF!!! Stuff that should never be revealed!!! And even some lies...ABOUT ME!!! Bad things about me!!! I feel soooo hurt !!! She said that:
1) I am stupid.
2) I am a B-I-T-C-H, BITCH!!!
3) I am really blur.
4) I will treat my friends badly. (that is soooooo not true!!!)
5) I have no feelings.
6) I am ugly, fat and pretty in her own not special way....NOT!!! (Holly and Karen laugh their evil laugh)
7) I have no brain.
She thinks that I don't know she actually hates me, but truthfully, to her the so called stupid, blur, feelingless, brainless, ugly and stuck-up BITCH already knew for months!!! When she talks to me its either to mock me or tease me!!!
She acts like a total angel in-front of ppl, but I know there's a Devil inside of her!!! People have their bad sides and good sides, but her's is all BAD!!! Evil to be more exact!!! That bitchy SHE-DEVIL PERSON...UGGHHH I CANT STAND HER!!!
Dear Jennifer,
This is all wrong in SOOOO many ways. I don't mean to condemn you, I'm just pointing it out.
First of all - you're showing that you yourself can be acting like a "bitch" calling her that.
And people would memang know that this is not a made-up story judging by your exclamation marks.
And your last entry's first words were "FORGIVE AND FORGET"!
I beg you at least don't become a hypocrite to add to a hater.
Where'd you get the name Holly Mckenzie. That's a rather odd name for a Malaysian Government School Student, isn't it?
You're not in high-school - how many times must I tell you?
And he's not exactly your bf so you have no true reign over him right? She's free to do what she wants.
And your secret...? I know you told me about this but I forgot it anyway.
4. Life is too short. Grudges are a wate of perfect happiness, laugh when you can, apologize when
you should and let go of things that you can't change. Love deeply and forgive quickly. Take
chances. Give everything and have no regrets. Life is too short to be unhappy LOve what you
have, be grateful and always remember what you had. Learn from mistakes and never regret.
Don't be a hypocrite please.
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