Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Official Egg Week!

On the 17th of May, me and BabyJong has officially declared that for the whole entire week, we shall be eating eggs, eggs, eggs and more eggs. Super Egg Week! This is the week where we celebrate how wonderful eggs are. And we show our appreciation by eating eggs all week long.

We have agreed on me bringing 4 boiled eggs everyday while she brings pepper! We had such joy peeling out the egg shell while we were in school. Everyone who passed by were soooooo amazingly jealous. ;D

Our Mid-year exams will begin next week and of course I'm worried sick about my Maths. Apparently our teacher, Pn. Nageswari(dunno how to spell lah) , thinks me and BabyJong talk too much in class and won't pay attention so hence the bad impression we gave her. Also, because Pn. Nageswari seriously seriously hates Zheng Yi who is sitting right next to us (sorta, kinda). Sooo, she might just give us lower marks compared to the others because she hates us so much. No exaggeration there.

Though on the bright side, the mid-year holidays is right after our exams, thats nice isn't it? Though...I shall be studying for those 2 weeks since..

1) PMR is coming
2) Parents will not lemme do anything besides that since they're worried sick for me.

But its okay! :3

Well then bye bye. ^.^

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Stawbelly Milk \(^o^)/

Why hello thar~

Carnival Day is coming up and we're all very excited. We've already planned on what we're all going to do and since this is gonna' be our last year as a class, we've planned on doing something big, adventurous and awesome. Same goes for the food stands. You'll never guess what BabyJong came up with. . .

I finally bought a 100 pack balloon pack and also Strawberry milk. I have a sudden fetish for Strawberry milk for some reason. I think it was that one time where I bought strawberry milk in school and loved it ever since.

Wee Ren and Alyssa's birthday was just a few days ago. We bought a biggg cake for not only the 2 but also for those of which we did not celebrate their birthdays with since it was a bit unfair to celebrate only certain people's birthday when we're all such great friends.

My cousin is here to stay. He shall be going to the UK for a couple of months as he got a schlorship I think for a Uni there. Im not sure either so do not judge.

List of Things To Do Before The End of 2010
- Study damn effing hard for PMR
- Shall attempt to make Crnival Day a huge sucess
- Earn extra cash for times when I truly and deeply need it (Emergency money lah)
- Alice Nine Merchandise!
- Me + Exercise = Fit and nice me!
- Clean up all access documents and files from my laptop.
- Clean and tidy up my room.

Sunday, May 2, 2010


Blogging time! Hello. :D

Last week was VERY hectic as we had to pass up our History project and no surprise, everyone was panicking like mad since all of us barely even started as we were to busy with our Geography project which we had to pass up just a week before our History one.

We have officially recieved our things we've ordered from this magazine (YinHoo) Alyssa had ordered. Thank you Alyssa. I got 2 fake tattoo's(one of the tattoo's I wanted ran outta stock or somehting so I got a barang ganti! D8< ) and badges.

Look at the badges! Aren't they just adorable? :D I especially love the cloud one!

And not to forget the badges I got for Valentines Day. Old I know but oh well \(^o^)/

I need a new pack of balloon's. Ever since I got that one balloon from Sport's Day I've gotten addicted to balloons ever since and now my poor balloon is about to go poo~ so yes, I'm in dead need of a new pack.

Oh look, whats this?! A picture from IR?! -gasp!- It is! andddd its ourrrr....

[Picture was sent to me by JongJong, I did NOT steal this picture from her blog or anywhere else related to her, thankyouverymuch.]

Glow Sticks! Mines the supposedly pink and yellow one while JongJong's is the blue one. Camera must have made the pink turn red , but its okay!