I've been thinking about blogging but somehow all the ideas I have just go fluttering away like a butterfly e.e It sucks..
Anywho evryone knows you'll eventually get back your test results and yes I know its a little too late for me to blog about it but I would seriously like to rant about the marks I got for my art. I got 23/30 and I'm furious with the reason I was given when I asked why I got so fucking low.
" No Negativity"
Fuck. Seriously what the fuck? They asked us to draw the year 2020, well fine, I did. They asked to us to randomize it, which I also did. BUT they did not fucking put the words "No Negative Thinking" in Malay. Screw that. I mean I drew the world falling and crashing and being destroyed. I admit it was a little harsh of me to do so but what the hell? They already came up with a movie 2012 about the world being destroyed. You better be grateful I gave you another extra 8 fucking years to live your pathetic little lives you stupid bastard teachers. I mean who came up with this thing? "No negativity" Psshh my arse.
Chanel told me that my header isn't moving anymore and of course I found out XD so I'm looking around for a new picture o.o Any ideas? XD
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Thursday, November 5, 2009
"LOL" ness~
When we hear a joke or watch someone falling of the building and splattering into a million pieces, most of our reactions are like...
and so on....
But nowadays I come across a hell lot of people being all "Lolz I see I see".
Yes they actually pronounced the word "Lolz" (lo-l-z). Exactly, well anyway I seriously DO NOT have anything against that. I just somehow find it strange and funny sounding...oh well xP
My mouse is being a huge-ass cheese and its poofing everywhere o-o
and so on....
But nowadays I come across a hell lot of people being all "Lolz I see I see".
Yes they actually pronounced the word "Lolz" (lo-l-z). Exactly, well anyway I seriously DO NOT have anything against that. I just somehow find it strange and funny sounding...oh well xP
My mouse is being a huge-ass cheese and its poofing everywhere o-o
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Life's short, so screw that and go get high.
I've noticed a hell lot of people on my msn friend list(or whatever you may call it) has either the word "Life" at the beginning of their msn message and in between that sentence that begins with the word "Life" would be the word "short" and well it may go somewhat like this..
" Life's short, so play more. "
" Life's a bitch, so fuck it like one. "
I have nothing against that or anything alright? I'm just curious why the sudden talk about life? ~twitches~ I mean it was so random !
Anyways as you can see. I have written my own "Life" quote. Hey, all of them did it so what the hell why can't I. Plus I actually like it. It seems...deep in a way XD
Update! : Exams are over :D I can do whatever I want, whenever I want and whenever I wanna I can do. =w=
" Life's short, so play more. "
" Life's a bitch, so fuck it like one. "
I have nothing against that or anything alright? I'm just curious why the sudden talk about life? ~twitches~ I mean it was so random !
Anyways as you can see. I have written my own "Life" quote. Hey, all of them did it so what the hell why can't I. Plus I actually like it. It seems...deep in a way XD
Update! : Exams are over :D I can do whatever I want, whenever I want and whenever I wanna I can do. =w=
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Well as you all(Seafield-ians) know that the year end exams is just around the corner...
Fuck that was terrible English. Lemme try that again.
Well as you all(Seafield-ians) pathetic little souls know, it is time to fail your year end exams. Now this is much better. =)
I've tried studying(you can stop laughing now), and seriously my brain is being a really huge penis. Like everyone elses at times. Nothing seems to go in.
Though I'm back to drawing. Im truly happy with my latest creation. Its an elf-lady-person. Yes everyone, I draw magical creatures. Anyways I went on YouTube and while I was looking up songs, I found a few video's and well one of it was " Things That Piss You Off" so I've decided to make a list about it. :D
Things That Piss Me Off
- Lines in the middle of books.
(I seriously find that quite annoying. I mean you just bought this fantastic new book and once you've finished reading it, you find some stupid line in the middle of it. Its like WTF? You SO love this book but after finding out theres a line in the middle you get all pissed and not love the book anymore. Thats what I've noticed...about me...)
- Chinese
( Final Grade : C...nuff said.)
- People T@lK!NG L!K3 TH!$$$$$
( WTF? Seriously, just type it out LIKE THIS for once and I'd bet you would be all "Wow this is so much easier then typing like a crackhead, I don't have to go find shtoopid symbols to fit it". Its super irritating trying to figure out what in poopsicles your trying to say.)
- Happy Meals
( For example, if you have that dragon figure from your last Happy Meal and you get it again and your like "Uhm Mister Happy Meal Person sir, can I get the other one, maybe that cow this time or or or maybe the Baby sucking its thumb? Please?" and He's like "Shut Up Little Person Person, be happy I even gave you a Happy Meal." Yea that totally pisses me off, I mean what could I do with TWO dragons? Seriously? I mean if i did get the cow figure, I could at least made the cow all superhero-y with lazer beams and be all "Boom Boom! Die Dragon Die!" or maybe just let the dragon eat the cow. But with TWO dragons? Gosh I can't do anything with it.)
Well there you go, things that piss me off, there should be more but well I can't think of all of em' right now. So Nyerr.
Fuck that was terrible English. Lemme try that again.
Well as you all(Seafield-ians) pathetic little souls know, it is time to fail your year end exams. Now this is much better. =)
I've tried studying(you can stop laughing now), and seriously my brain is being a really huge penis. Like everyone elses at times. Nothing seems to go in.
Though I'm back to drawing. Im truly happy with my latest creation. Its an elf-lady-person. Yes everyone, I draw magical creatures. Anyways I went on YouTube and while I was looking up songs, I found a few video's and well one of it was " Things That Piss You Off" so I've decided to make a list about it. :D
Things That Piss Me Off
- Lines in the middle of books.
(I seriously find that quite annoying. I mean you just bought this fantastic new book and once you've finished reading it, you find some stupid line in the middle of it. Its like WTF? You SO love this book but after finding out theres a line in the middle you get all pissed and not love the book anymore. Thats what I've noticed...about me...)
- Chinese
( Final Grade : C...nuff said.)
- People T@lK!NG L!K3 TH!$$$$$
( WTF? Seriously, just type it out LIKE THIS for once and I'd bet you would be all "Wow this is so much easier then typing like a crackhead, I don't have to go find shtoopid symbols to fit it". Its super irritating trying to figure out what in poopsicles your trying to say.)
- Happy Meals
( For example, if you have that dragon figure from your last Happy Meal and you get it again and your like "Uhm Mister Happy Meal Person sir, can I get the other one, maybe that cow this time or or or maybe the Baby sucking its thumb? Please?" and He's like "Shut Up Little Person Person, be happy I even gave you a Happy Meal." Yea that totally pisses me off, I mean what could I do with TWO dragons? Seriously? I mean if i did get the cow figure, I could at least made the cow all superhero-y with lazer beams and be all "Boom Boom! Die Dragon Die!" or maybe just let the dragon eat the cow. But with TWO dragons? Gosh I can't do anything with it.)
Well there you go, things that piss me off, there should be more but well I can't think of all of em' right now. So Nyerr.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
As you can see, Im back and blogging again. HELL YES~! Im Back!
Things are starting to work out so yeah. And also, You might have noticed that have deleted the previous post. Mhm, yep, yush-yush. Your not blind, I just deleted the post so Nyerr.
I shall talk about crap now since there is completely nothing to blog about. Seriously, there is nothing. Sooo....I have decided to blog about...
Yes everyone I have gone completely nuts. Mhm. Anywho, do you believe in those magical, green-ish little fellows? 'Cause if you asked me, I do. :D
All you gotta do is go to the end of the rainbow and look for em' hiding in the grass. Yes everyone, they hide in grass. I mean they are pretty small. You cant expect them to go climb trees when a dog is about to ambush them and bite their little heads off now do you? I mean think about it. It's pretty bollards if you asked me.
PS : I just love love love <3 Scary Kids Scaring Kids,they are like...seeing Santa Claus come down from a chimney during Chinese New Year. Seriously.
Things are starting to work out so yeah. And also, You might have noticed that have deleted the previous post. Mhm, yep, yush-yush. Your not blind, I just deleted the post so Nyerr.
I shall talk about crap now since there is completely nothing to blog about. Seriously, there is nothing. Sooo....I have decided to blog about...
Yes everyone I have gone completely nuts. Mhm. Anywho, do you believe in those magical, green-ish little fellows? 'Cause if you asked me, I do. :D
All you gotta do is go to the end of the rainbow and look for em' hiding in the grass. Yes everyone, they hide in grass. I mean they are pretty small. You cant expect them to go climb trees when a dog is about to ambush them and bite their little heads off now do you? I mean think about it. It's pretty bollards if you asked me.
PS : I just love love love <3 Scary Kids Scaring Kids,they are like...seeing Santa Claus come down from a chimney during Chinese New Year. Seriously.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Hello hello! I'm truly sorry for the lack of updates, really, well...theres no paticular reason though, I'm just lazy. =P
Recently I've been feeling really tired. Even with a total of 10 hours of sleep, I'm still tired. =___=' So yea...=\
I've been spending most of my time on the computer practically doing nothing. There's seriously nothing on TV and I've finished reading all my books. This is gonna be one really BORING holiday. -Sigh- thats why I'm blogging right now ._. I feel desperate and pathetic.
Gosh I'm loosin it!!! Im gonna go nuts by next Monday if I don't do somethng useful!! O_O
Recently I've been feeling really tired. Even with a total of 10 hours of sleep, I'm still tired. =___=' So yea...=\
I've been spending most of my time on the computer practically doing nothing. There's seriously nothing on TV and I've finished reading all my books. This is gonna be one really BORING holiday. -Sigh- thats why I'm blogging right now ._. I feel desperate and pathetic.
Gosh I'm loosin it!!! Im gonna go nuts by next Monday if I don't do somethng useful!! O_O
Monday, August 17, 2009
I'm truly sorry for the lack of updates on my blog, my blog seems dead already. Anyways you can clearly see what I'm gonna blog about.
I admit really that I'm a whole lot jealous of my brother. Why you ask?
1) He is the family favorite (I know I'm being old fashion and all but it is after all true. My brother is OBVIOUSLY a dude, and of course parents wants dude to go, ermmm, continue? the generation.)
2) He gets to skip school any time he wants to. (Yes, my parents don't actually care whether he sucks in his studies or not. I know this isn't good but I would appreciate it if he like gets scolded for once.)
3) I took the blame. ( For the past 9 years of my life since my brother was borned, all I remember was me taking all the blame. I'm not asking for your symphathy or your mercy or whatever you call it, I dont really care. All I want is to not blame ME for everything.)
4) My brother was borned for a reason. While, I truly was'nt, I was just a huge mistake.
OK! story time before I continue. I'll tell you the whole story about my family right here, right now...
My dad and mum worked together in London in the same company, both never really noticed each other as my dad already had a girlfriend(yes my dad was a charmer xP). They met in a club after work and do you know what they do in clubs? Yes, they drink booze. People get drunk, people meet other people, people do the naugthy. Thats exactly what happened to my mum and dad. Both got drunk, both met up and both got in bed. (Yes, my dad was too drunk to realize that he cheated on his girlfriend) After that, they promised not to mention any of this to anyone and my daddy and his girlfriend would live happily ever after. BUT, after 4 months (yes I actually asked my mum about this and she said 4 months) my mum realized she was pregnant with me. So she phoned my dad up and she demanded marriage and etc. So practically this was a forced marriage. If you pay close attention, you'll be able to see my mum's tummy a little swallon, that would be me inside there, if your interested.
Your probably wondering how I found out about this. Well, there was once where my dad was so pissed at my mum and he just vomitted the whole story to one of his colleague's, who told me I was close to grown-up's as I was very mature,No, he just thought I needed to know the whole story sooner or later so he told me) And thats how I found out, that's when I started blaming every single fight on me. I blamed myself for my parents marriage and parents fights (Yes, I know people have family problems too but this one is just way out of hand)
I admit really that I'm a whole lot jealous of my brother. Why you ask?
1) He is the family favorite (I know I'm being old fashion and all but it is after all true. My brother is OBVIOUSLY a dude, and of course parents wants dude to go, ermmm, continue? the generation.)
2) He gets to skip school any time he wants to. (Yes, my parents don't actually care whether he sucks in his studies or not. I know this isn't good but I would appreciate it if he like gets scolded for once.)
3) I took the blame. ( For the past 9 years of my life since my brother was borned, all I remember was me taking all the blame. I'm not asking for your symphathy or your mercy or whatever you call it, I dont really care. All I want is to not blame ME for everything.)
4) My brother was borned for a reason. While, I truly was'nt, I was just a huge mistake.
OK! story time before I continue. I'll tell you the whole story about my family right here, right now...
My dad and mum worked together in London in the same company, both never really noticed each other as my dad already had a girlfriend(yes my dad was a charmer xP). They met in a club after work and do you know what they do in clubs? Yes, they drink booze. People get drunk, people meet other people, people do the naugthy. Thats exactly what happened to my mum and dad. Both got drunk, both met up and both got in bed. (Yes, my dad was too drunk to realize that he cheated on his girlfriend) After that, they promised not to mention any of this to anyone and my daddy and his girlfriend would live happily ever after. BUT, after 4 months (yes I actually asked my mum about this and she said 4 months) my mum realized she was pregnant with me. So she phoned my dad up and she demanded marriage and etc. So practically this was a forced marriage. If you pay close attention, you'll be able to see my mum's tummy a little swallon, that would be me inside there, if your interested.
Your probably wondering how I found out about this. Well, there was once where my dad was so pissed at my mum and he just vomitted the whole story to one of his colleague's, who told me I was close to grown-up's as I was very mature,No, he just thought I needed to know the whole story sooner or later so he told me) And thats how I found out, that's when I started blaming every single fight on me. I blamed myself for my parents marriage and parents fights (Yes, I know people have family problems too but this one is just way out of hand)
5) He gets away with everything. My mum would come up with an excuse whenever I try to tell her what really happened. "He's still young", "People make mistakes." OR "It's all your fault he's like this, you influenced him."
I guess thats it. I admit, I'm jealous of my 9-year-old brother who can't even remember to close the door when he showers. Yes, its the door going in and out of the bathroom and NOT the shower room.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
I have this sudden feeling...worst part is I have no idea what it is...
Its like my whole body is about to collapse. Im not joking. Im being serious. Its like somehting sharp just cut off all connections to the heart...its....empty...
I wish to not bore you out and so I'll stop right here and give everyone a peck on their cheek. Happy living....
Its like my whole body is about to collapse. Im not joking. Im being serious. Its like somehting sharp just cut off all connections to the heart...its....empty...
I wish to not bore you out and so I'll stop right here and give everyone a peck on their cheek. Happy living....
Monday, July 27, 2009
Definition Of The Word "Emo"
Just went around popping around here and there and I have just found out how idiots that think they're emo dont even fucking know the definition of emo...they barely even know what the word "emo" means. Geez, suck~ish much?
They're all...
A: " OMG , dude my gf left me...."
B: " Wow emo much? "
A: " Yes, im emo! I wanna kill myself! "
B: " Aww, nobody understands you!"
A: " I know..."
I only 2 words for that...
Everything in that convo is just fucking shit, crap, wipe-ass tissue...
Most of you think emo's are just well stupid, pathetic, LOA bitch-ass humans but they're fucking NOT!
Even when people sulk or not talk doesnt mean they're emo. Emo is a very strong word.
1) Emo's slit/cut/carve etc which ever you like best, themselves as the pain they FEEL inside of them is too much, just too much to handle. To them the outer pain which means bruises, cuts, scars whichever is a lot easier to handle.
2) Emo's arent pathetic. They just seem that way because they hum the tune of "NO ONE UNDERSTANDS ME" ....well guess what? Its fucking true =_= Not everyone understands everyone. They had a tough childhood experience for eg: no parents at all or maybe parents are drunks or maybe abusives parents. They are NOT being pathetic or wanting your pity or whatever shit.
3) The colour BLACK. Black is the colour of their soul...nuff' said....
4) Emo's are quite creative too. They're art work arent meant to be understood. They're dark souls brun inside of them. You and even ME may not understand how they feel. Its deep pain in the most unimaginable inhuman ways you'd ever expect.
5) Emo's dont sulk all the time. NO they don't. They can smile, be happy, laugh and even have fun like every other human that walks on earth. They're not anti-social. You just have to get to know them.
Emo's are hurt in the most inhuman ways possible. But yet they still try and LIVE. They do not just feel like killing themselves all the time =_=
They're all...
A: " OMG , dude my gf left me...."
B: " Wow emo much? "
A: " Yes, im emo! I wanna kill myself! "
B: " Aww, nobody understands you!"
A: " I know..."
I only 2 words for that...
Everything in that convo is just fucking shit, crap, wipe-ass tissue...
Most of you think emo's are just well stupid, pathetic, LOA bitch-ass humans but they're fucking NOT!
Even when people sulk or not talk doesnt mean they're emo. Emo is a very strong word.
1) Emo's slit/cut/carve etc which ever you like best, themselves as the pain they FEEL inside of them is too much, just too much to handle. To them the outer pain which means bruises, cuts, scars whichever is a lot easier to handle.
2) Emo's arent pathetic. They just seem that way because they hum the tune of "NO ONE UNDERSTANDS ME" ....well guess what? Its fucking true =_= Not everyone understands everyone. They had a tough childhood experience for eg: no parents at all or maybe parents are drunks or maybe abusives parents. They are NOT being pathetic or wanting your pity or whatever shit.
3) The colour BLACK. Black is the colour of their soul...nuff' said....
4) Emo's are quite creative too. They're art work arent meant to be understood. They're dark souls brun inside of them. You and even ME may not understand how they feel. Its deep pain in the most unimaginable inhuman ways you'd ever expect.
5) Emo's dont sulk all the time. NO they don't. They can smile, be happy, laugh and even have fun like every other human that walks on earth. They're not anti-social. You just have to get to know them.
Emo's are hurt in the most inhuman ways possible. But yet they still try and LIVE. They do not just feel like killing themselves all the time =_=
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Alice Nine~~~~!! TORA!!
Surprisingly i found a Japanese band thats cool =D
Everyone meet Alice Nine , Alice Nine everyone...
The second one from the right with his head down is my sweetheart <3 you should all know why I chose him xD
TORA! ISH! AWESOMEEEEEEE!!!! ^_____________^
He actually wears specs for real but doesnt wear em when like shooting for a music video or photo shoot or recording =P its funnyy ^___________^ He is just so cute <3
Sadly though they're ALL around 28-29 years old =P
I know age don't matter and crap like that but still its sad though I don't got a chance xD
I sound like some crazy fan noww xD
BUT of course, Monte Bryan Money is still <3 too.............C=
He is after all the BEST ^__________^

The second one from the right with his head down is my sweetheart <3 you should all know why I chose him xD
TORA! ISH! AWESOMEEEEEEE!!!! ^_____________^
He actually wears specs for real but doesnt wear em when like shooting for a music video or photo shoot or recording =P its funnyy ^___________^ He is just so cute <3
Sadly though they're ALL around 28-29 years old =P
I know age don't matter and crap like that but still its sad though I don't got a chance xD
I sound like some crazy fan noww xD
BUT of course, Monte Bryan Money is still <3 too.............C=
He is after all the BEST ^__________^
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Tagged By Tze Ken
1. The person that tagged you is:
---> Tze Ken
2. Your relationship with him is:
---> Classmates and Friends
3. Your first impression on him is:
---> Dead xP
4. The most memorable moments with him:
---> Not talking to each other xD
5. The most memorable thing he has said to you is:
---> *silence*
6. If he becomes your lover, you will:
---> I would turn into a zombie ^_^
7. If he became your lover, what should he improve at:
---> I don't know =\
8. If he becomes your enemy, what would you do:
---> Not talk to him....DUH..
9. If he becomes your enemy, the reason will be:
---> Pissin' me off
10. The most desired thing you want to do for him now is:
---> Not talk to him! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO REPEAT MYSELF?! Geez...
11. Your overall impression on him:
---> Computer Genius!
12. The characteristic you love most about yourself:
---> I am wayyy too generous in some ways..
13. The characteristic you hate most about yourself:
---> Being a huge bitch at times..
14. The most ideal person you want to be is:
---> Kat Von. D.
15. For people that care and like you, say something to them:
16. Pass this quiz to 10 people who you want to know how they feel about you:
1. Zhou Yen
2. Christine
3. Stephanie
4. Tze Ken
5. Philip
6. Lick Yin
7. Amanda
8. Zhiou Ru
9. Khai Syuen
17. Who is 6 having a relationship with:
18. is 9 a male or female:
19. if 7 and 10 were together, would it be a good thing:
---> Amanda and someone else...hmm you be the judge..
20. What is 2 studying at the moment:
---> International Stuff
21. When was the last time you had a chat with 3:
---> Months Ago!
22. What kind of music does 8 like:
---> David Archuleta songs
23. Does 1 have any siblings:
---> Yup
24. Will you woo 3:
---> Apparently it is against her religion and she is a girl so...NO..
25. How about 7:
---> Who is also a girl...
26. Is 4 single:
---> Yep
27. What's the surname of 5:
---> Soo
28. What's the hobby of 5:
---> Watching tons of porn im guessing...
29. Does 5 and 9 get along well:
---> Philip and Khai Syuen, hmm I think they would =D
30. Where is 2 studying at:
---> Tenby International
31. Say something casual about your eyes:
---> They. Are. Black.
32. Have you tried developing feelings for 5:
---> If you consider brotherly feelings, feelings, then I guess so?
34. What colour does 4 like:
---> No idea
35. Are 5 and 1 good friends:
36. Does 7 like 2:
---> Lesbian Love.
37. How did you get to know 2:
---> Communicating with another species.
38. Does 1 have any pets:
---> I don't think so.
39. Is 7 the sexiest person in the world:
---> To Guo Zhi: HELL YES!
---> Tze Ken
2. Your relationship with him is:
---> Classmates and Friends
3. Your first impression on him is:
---> Dead xP
4. The most memorable moments with him:
---> Not talking to each other xD
5. The most memorable thing he has said to you is:
---> *silence*
6. If he becomes your lover, you will:
---> I would turn into a zombie ^_^
7. If he became your lover, what should he improve at:
---> I don't know =\
8. If he becomes your enemy, what would you do:
---> Not talk to him....DUH..
9. If he becomes your enemy, the reason will be:
---> Pissin' me off
10. The most desired thing you want to do for him now is:
---> Not talk to him! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO REPEAT MYSELF?! Geez...
11. Your overall impression on him:
---> Computer Genius!
12. The characteristic you love most about yourself:
---> I am wayyy too generous in some ways..
13. The characteristic you hate most about yourself:
---> Being a huge bitch at times..
14. The most ideal person you want to be is:
---> Kat Von. D.
15. For people that care and like you, say something to them:
16. Pass this quiz to 10 people who you want to know how they feel about you:
1. Zhou Yen
2. Christine
3. Stephanie
4. Tze Ken
5. Philip
6. Lick Yin
7. Amanda
8. Zhiou Ru
9. Khai Syuen
17. Who is 6 having a relationship with:
18. is 9 a male or female:
19. if 7 and 10 were together, would it be a good thing:
---> Amanda and someone else...hmm you be the judge..
20. What is 2 studying at the moment:
---> International Stuff
21. When was the last time you had a chat with 3:
---> Months Ago!
22. What kind of music does 8 like:
---> David Archuleta songs
23. Does 1 have any siblings:
---> Yup
24. Will you woo 3:
---> Apparently it is against her religion and she is a girl so...NO..
25. How about 7:
---> Who is also a girl...
26. Is 4 single:
---> Yep
27. What's the surname of 5:
---> Soo
28. What's the hobby of 5:
---> Watching tons of porn im guessing...
29. Does 5 and 9 get along well:
---> Philip and Khai Syuen, hmm I think they would =D
30. Where is 2 studying at:
---> Tenby International
31. Say something casual about your eyes:
---> They. Are. Black.
32. Have you tried developing feelings for 5:
---> If you consider brotherly feelings, feelings, then I guess so?
34. What colour does 4 like:
---> No idea
35. Are 5 and 1 good friends:
36. Does 7 like 2:
---> Lesbian Love.
37. How did you get to know 2:
---> Communicating with another species.
38. Does 1 have any pets:
---> I don't think so.
39. Is 7 the sexiest person in the world:
---> To Guo Zhi: HELL YES!
Monday, July 13, 2009
HOLYMOTHEROFFUCK...we have a new timetable, which means I have to try and remember the time table ALL OVER AGAIN...whats wrong with the old one!? Sheeesh..
Of all days, they just HAD to choose Monday for Pn. Phang's period....i repeat....PHANG'S period. 3 of em' straight. I would rather sit at home and stare at the Sun till' my eyes pop out then to sit there, on my chair, my blue and orange chair, listening to Pn Phang, even if I have no fucking idea what she talking about while my BUTT aches like shit.
They already changed the time table TWICE...excluding this one. 3 times in one year...what is wrong with this school...?
Of all days, they just HAD to choose Monday for Pn. Phang's period....i repeat....PHANG'S period. 3 of em' straight. I would rather sit at home and stare at the Sun till' my eyes pop out then to sit there, on my chair, my blue and orange chair, listening to Pn Phang, even if I have no fucking idea what she talking about while my BUTT aches like shit.
They already changed the time table TWICE...excluding this one. 3 times in one year...what is wrong with this school...?
Sunday, July 12, 2009
New Do!
Im gonna get a haircut, its about time i get it anyway, my hair now is just really THICK..i cant stand it >.< I was on the net looking for some hairstyles and then i found this...

Love at first sight xD its awesome! Taking a picture of it to the saloon would be weird, so I took a pic on my phone. Hopefully this hair would actually suit me ^__________^ and not make me look weird =.= I already am weird looking enough....

Love at first sight xD its awesome! Taking a picture of it to the saloon would be weird, so I took a pic on my phone. Hopefully this hair would actually suit me ^__________^ and not make me look weird =.= I already am weird looking enough....
I like all things emo xD
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Carnival Day.
Carnival day...what can I say? It was a total bore, but we did make a lotta money/coupons :D
I had to rush all the way from IPOH back to KL to go for the carnival day in my school. I was already very very tired when i got there....2 hours of sleep is NOT enought apparently. Got there around 11 and went straight to the game stall where all my friends hung out. Friends included: CJD, ALYSSA, MEI YEE, TZE KEN, RAYMUS, LICK YIN, oh so wet YUE YANG, WEE REN, ZHENG YI, WEE KEAT and thats about it...message me if i leave out anyone ^_^
I did'nt wear my hoodie as planned as it wasnt even hot plus we had a tent ^____^
TAN Christine came back to seafield ^_^ it was awesome! in a way =P
Gosh I have nothing to blog about...like I said carnival day was a bore so...nyerr... :\
I had to rush all the way from IPOH back to KL to go for the carnival day in my school. I was already very very tired when i got there....2 hours of sleep is NOT enought apparently. Got there around 11 and went straight to the game stall where all my friends hung out. Friends included: CJD, ALYSSA, MEI YEE, TZE KEN, RAYMUS, LICK YIN, oh so wet YUE YANG, WEE REN, ZHENG YI, WEE KEAT and thats about it...message me if i leave out anyone ^_^
I did'nt wear my hoodie as planned as it wasnt even hot plus we had a tent ^____^
TAN Christine came back to seafield ^_^ it was awesome! in a way =P
Gosh I have nothing to blog about...like I said carnival day was a bore so...nyerr... :\
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Oh GOSH! This week has been THE MOST tiring week in my whole entire life! Me and a few friends have been busy selling stuff to earn extra coupons...YES thats what I said, COUPONS. Carnival Day will be on Sunday and well my teacher, Pn Latiffah, is aiming for 3rd place for the classes competition.
Today.....has been......DIRTY.....we had to clean the pre-sales area up just cause bloody form 1's "forgot" to do it. We also had to help clean 2D's territory too.
PS: 2D = Pn Phang's class
Now you know why we were so fuckin' angry...
During Carnival Day, I'm planning to wear my hoodie jacket as I have no intentions whatsoever on getting darker. I am already VERY dark.... =______=
BTW do you like ETF ? :D Arent they just the awesomest ^______________^
Today.....has been......DIRTY.....we had to clean the pre-sales area up just cause bloody form 1's "forgot" to do it. We also had to help clean 2D's territory too.
PS: 2D = Pn Phang's class
Now you know why we were so fuckin' angry...
During Carnival Day, I'm planning to wear my hoodie jacket as I have no intentions whatsoever on getting darker. I am already VERY dark.... =______=
BTW do you like ETF ? :D Arent they just the awesomest ^______________^
Monday, June 22, 2009
Oh My Goth! ESCAPE THE FATE is freakin awesome! ^_______^ You need me to spell it out for you or what?
God! Check out my new playlist :D My Top Ten ^_^ Browse through it if you want, just dont curse the likes of it since most em' is screamo :P
Once you have found a song you like, please pay close attention to the guitar solo's. Words can't describe how AWESOME they are!
Monte Bryan Money Jr.!!!! He is a GOD! I've never heard solo's so effin' awesome! Bryan would be the lead guitarist of ETF. He is also the most awesome guitarist I know. ^_^ He says he weras anything red, black or white, which makes everything even BETTER! ^_^ he's 22 so :\

God! Check out my new playlist :D My Top Ten ^_^ Browse through it if you want, just dont curse the likes of it since most em' is screamo :P
Once you have found a song you like, please pay close attention to the guitar solo's. Words can't describe how AWESOME they are!
Monte Bryan Money Jr.!!!! He is a GOD! I've never heard solo's so effin' awesome! Bryan would be the lead guitarist of ETF. He is also the most awesome guitarist I know. ^_^ He says he weras anything red, black or white, which makes everything even BETTER! ^_^ he's 22 so :\

Don't you think he looks just AWESOME?! ^~^ Check out his tatoo on his hand! It says N.P.M, which stands for his grandfather's name, he bought him his first guiatr when he was 14, it was a Jackson 7-string. SWEET or what?!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
GOSH! I was in school half-asleep. I was definitely tired since i slept at 4AM and woke up 4 hours later. I hope your good at math ^_^
4 hours of sleep is surprisingly enough for me :D I yawned yes but only a few times. The only time where i almost fell of the chair to sleep was during KH. I was trying VERY hard to pay attention since KH to me is quite important now. I wanna be an architect. I know its weird :\
My dad didnt get the visa to Australia :( I was so looking forward D: My mum knows what I wanna be, an architect, and she's already bugging me about studying in England O_O
I too am shocked!
There is this universty i found, its called "The University Of Newcastle". The University is a multi-campus institution located across fives sites worldwide: Newcastle, Central Coast, Port Macquarie, Sydney CBD in Australia, and Singapore.
Hopefully I'll be able to go to the one in Sydney CBD. I like australia ^_^
4 hours of sleep is surprisingly enough for me :D I yawned yes but only a few times. The only time where i almost fell of the chair to sleep was during KH. I was trying VERY hard to pay attention since KH to me is quite important now. I wanna be an architect. I know its weird :\
My dad didnt get the visa to Australia :( I was so looking forward D: My mum knows what I wanna be, an architect, and she's already bugging me about studying in England O_O
I too am shocked!
There is this universty i found, its called "The University Of Newcastle". The University is a multi-campus institution located across fives sites worldwide: Newcastle, Central Coast, Port Macquarie, Sydney CBD in Australia, and Singapore.
Hopefully I'll be able to go to the one in Sydney CBD. I like australia ^_^
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
It is 2.27AM right now, and I am still awake....
I have completely nothing to do, and I dont feel like sleeping. Nice aye?
Im hungry, deserted, desperate and alone. :D
I wrote another poem recently. Its I've gotta say better than the last 1.
SUPERCALIFRAGELISTICEXPIALIDOTIOUS!!!!!!! :D I just felt like saying it, thats all.
I have completely nothing to do, and I dont feel like sleeping. Nice aye?
Im hungry, deserted, desperate and alone. :D
I wrote another poem recently. Its I've gotta say better than the last 1.
SUPERCALIFRAGELISTICEXPIALIDOTIOUS!!!!!!! :D I just felt like saying it, thats all.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
JAPAN! Konichiwa! ^_^
I was feeling a little guilty and a little mad at someone, I HATE YOU DP!
So I actually wrote a poem....and surprisingly it sounded Okay i dont give it a thumbs up but still it was ok since my english even I have to admit SUCKS.
Many other human-beings that walk on this little planet right now are waaaaaaaayy better than moi'. And UPDATE! I just found out about something. RM 10 here = 3,500 won(korean bucks!) WHOO! RM 10 here = 280 yen(Japan). I feel like goin to Japan since well I like Japan ^_^
Wanna know why? Its cause' of the anime :D
Plus, i know a little...ok VERY little Japanese but I could buy a Japanese dictionary ^_^ Me and a friend are planning to go there, I pay my half, he pays his.
But this may not happen as our parents may not allow it.... :(
So I actually wrote a poem....and surprisingly it sounded Okay i dont give it a thumbs up but still it was ok since my english even I have to admit SUCKS.
Many other human-beings that walk on this little planet right now are waaaaaaaayy better than moi'. And UPDATE! I just found out about something. RM 10 here = 3,500 won(korean bucks!) WHOO! RM 10 here = 280 yen(Japan). I feel like goin to Japan since well I like Japan ^_^
Wanna know why? Its cause' of the anime :D
Plus, i know a little...ok VERY little Japanese but I could buy a Japanese dictionary ^_^ Me and a friend are planning to go there, I pay my half, he pays his.
But this may not happen as our parents may not allow it.... :(
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Dead Or Alive
Dead Or Alive....has been crossing my mind a lot lately. No, its not the movie "Dead Or Alive" , it is really being DEAD or ALIVE.
Im not being all emo. Its just rude if you think so. You have insulted all emo people of Emo~ness. What I meant was I've been thinking, why are we alive? Why arent we dead? Eventually everyone dies...
Get me?
This fills me with silence and darkness. Its like my inner-darkness is watching over me, protecting me, ever since I was born. I am not talking about God here.
Sometimes I wonder, will I EVER be reincarnated or will I be sitting in my grave, waiting for the devil to tear me apart and burn in hell. Like most christians say, Bhuddhist dont go to Heaven instead they go to hell.
Kinda think of it, being a free thinker aint so bad. You wont have to worry whether you'll go to hell or Heaven. You wont have to worry whether you'll be reincarnated into another animal. Plus, you wont have to go to temples or church's. Like I said before, im not a ver religious person. Besides I dont feel any bhuddism at all. I feel like a free thinker with no religion whatsoever.
Even my "teacher" says chrstians are the most sinful people on earth. (Livy agrees so dont be mad at only me, Steph) Like my teacher says, "Before every christian dies, they pray to God to forgive them, and are they forgiven?? YES! If they commit murder and such. Will they be forgiven?? YES!"
As for Bhuddism, if you commit a crime, you wont be forgiven and maybe(surperstitious) you will be reincarnated into lets say a goat. Until you get chopped off or ran over or slaughtered, you will be reincarnated again into another living animal or creature.
Im not offending any religion. Im just saying why are we alive and not dead??
Im not being all emo. Its just rude if you think so. You have insulted all emo people of Emo~ness. What I meant was I've been thinking, why are we alive? Why arent we dead? Eventually everyone dies...
Get me?
This fills me with silence and darkness. Its like my inner-darkness is watching over me, protecting me, ever since I was born. I am not talking about God here.
Sometimes I wonder, will I EVER be reincarnated or will I be sitting in my grave, waiting for the devil to tear me apart and burn in hell. Like most christians say, Bhuddhist dont go to Heaven instead they go to hell.
Kinda think of it, being a free thinker aint so bad. You wont have to worry whether you'll go to hell or Heaven. You wont have to worry whether you'll be reincarnated into another animal. Plus, you wont have to go to temples or church's. Like I said before, im not a ver religious person. Besides I dont feel any bhuddism at all. I feel like a free thinker with no religion whatsoever.
Even my "teacher" says chrstians are the most sinful people on earth. (Livy agrees so dont be mad at only me, Steph) Like my teacher says, "Before every christian dies, they pray to God to forgive them, and are they forgiven?? YES! If they commit murder and such. Will they be forgiven?? YES!"
As for Bhuddism, if you commit a crime, you wont be forgiven and maybe(surperstitious) you will be reincarnated into lets say a goat. Until you get chopped off or ran over or slaughtered, you will be reincarnated again into another living animal or creature.
Im not offending any religion. Im just saying why are we alive and not dead??
Monday, June 1, 2009
Its time for the holidays. After 2 weeks(kinda) of struggling, its time to take a break and have some fun! GOOD CLEAN FUN.
Emo- They hurt themselves, not for fun but because to them, the pain they feel inside is worse than the pain they feel outside. They do not JUST cry. They cry for a reason. NOBODY will understand what EMO~ING is.
I sometimes go emo :D but of course its not the 100% true emo~ing. So like i said NOBODY would understand what emo is all about, except those emo people of course. But, it depends, they could be those wannabe's who would just sob in a corner all day OR the true emo's who actually go emo in the RIGHT way.
Even I dont understand ok? So dont think Im being the smart-arse here. Im just saying. ^_^
Its time for the holidays. After 2 weeks(kinda) of struggling, its time to take a break and have some fun! GOOD CLEAN FUN.
Emo- They hurt themselves, not for fun but because to them, the pain they feel inside is worse than the pain they feel outside. They do not JUST cry. They cry for a reason. NOBODY will understand what EMO~ING is.
I sometimes go emo :D but of course its not the 100% true emo~ing. So like i said NOBODY would understand what emo is all about, except those emo people of course. But, it depends, they could be those wannabe's who would just sob in a corner all day OR the true emo's who actually go emo in the RIGHT way.
Even I dont understand ok? So dont think Im being the smart-arse here. Im just saying. ^_^
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Midterms and Teachers
Gosh, finally exams are over. YEESH! Gave me a huge headache that would last for a decade!
Teachers day is tomorrow. I will be going to join my lovely friends for a cup of tea. NOT! Life's seriously un-awesome. I'm not saying that I want Children's Day or anything. But it would just be wonderful that us teens could have 1 day, just ONE day to celebrate us, ourselves. Im also not saying that the school is selfish and self-centered but can't they contribute just a little and give us ALL free drinks or food or something?
Sports day does not count BTW.
Im not being a whiny little brat, but I just want ONE day to celebrate US. The teenagers that made our parents life and of course i wont forget the teachers lives unforgettably horrible and terrible. Some may think I'm just being well childish and stuff, well I admit im childish but I think you would have to agree with me on this one. Dont you want just ONE day to celebrate teenagers all around the world??
Even though your gonna have fun on teacher's day, but we are celebrating them and not US.
PS: Thank you for the songs!! They're awesome!! ^_^
Teachers day is tomorrow. I will be going to join my lovely friends for a cup of tea. NOT! Life's seriously un-awesome. I'm not saying that I want Children's Day or anything. But it would just be wonderful that us teens could have 1 day, just ONE day to celebrate us, ourselves. Im also not saying that the school is selfish and self-centered but can't they contribute just a little and give us ALL free drinks or food or something?
Sports day does not count BTW.
Im not being a whiny little brat, but I just want ONE day to celebrate US. The teenagers that made our parents life and of course i wont forget the teachers lives unforgettably horrible and terrible. Some may think I'm just being well childish and stuff, well I admit im childish but I think you would have to agree with me on this one. Dont you want just ONE day to celebrate teenagers all around the world??
Even though your gonna have fun on teacher's day, but we are celebrating them and not US.
PS: Thank you for the songs!! They're awesome!! ^_^
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Fast Post Before Death...
Todays the day! Its the last day of midterms in SMK Seafield! ^_^
Wish me luck! My chinese is sooooooo DEAD! I cant remember a single "ming ju jing hua" from my book. >.< By the way, my legs getting better ^_^ it heals fast ^_^
Wish me luck! My chinese is sooooooo DEAD! I cant remember a single "ming ju jing hua" from my book. >.< By the way, my legs getting better ^_^ it heals fast ^_^
Friday, May 15, 2009
I Feel Dead...
Some how I have Managed to scratch myself really deep some how.....wanna know how it happened?
I was totally about to blow up at my mum and my maid( you may think maids are suppose to keep their bloody mouth shut, well mine aint gonna unless I sew em' up TIGHT). It all started after my Saturday morning taekwondo class. I went to change, my mum called.
J: In the bathroom.....changing.......why?
M: Haiyo! Quickly la!! I'll slaughter you if you dont get here quick!!
J: Your the one that asked me to change.
M: OH now you blame it on me lar!!! IS IT?!
J: I'm done....
Mum hung up.
Then supermarket time! WHEEEE~.... mummy was all "Aiyo! you stupid bloody mistake! why arent you helping me carry all this(BTW my hands were already full with books). "
Me going " cant you see my hands are full?" and she pushing me " you stupid girl" then another push " your such a mistake!" and another push " I should have never fucked your stupid lazy-ass father in the first place!!"
and me going all O____O
Alright now my miads turn.
M: Jenniper!!(yes its not me mispelling my name, its how she really calls me by my fucked-up name my so called parents gave me) AIYO! Simpan beg kamu la!!! Nanti pergi jemur baju!! Saya sudah tak ada tangan lagi!! Kalau kamu mahu saya di sini, AWAS LU...nanti saya lari!!! baru tahu!!
J: -is at computer sitting cross~legged and scratching leg HARD- oh ok...
M: AWAS LU! -goes in toilet then comes out and yells- CEPAT LA!!
J: -scratches leg even harder-
It stings ALOT right now .....
I was totally about to blow up at my mum and my maid( you may think maids are suppose to keep their bloody mouth shut, well mine aint gonna unless I sew em' up TIGHT). It all started after my Saturday morning taekwondo class. I went to change, my mum called.
J: In the bathroom.....changing.......why?
M: Haiyo! Quickly la!! I'll slaughter you if you dont get here quick!!
J: Your the one that asked me to change.
M: OH now you blame it on me lar!!! IS IT?!
J: I'm done....
Mum hung up.
Then supermarket time! WHEEEE~.... mummy was all "Aiyo! you stupid bloody mistake! why arent you helping me carry all this(BTW my hands were already full with books). "
Me going " cant you see my hands are full?" and she pushing me " you stupid girl" then another push " your such a mistake!" and another push " I should have never fucked your stupid lazy-ass father in the first place!!"
and me going all O____O
Alright now my miads turn.
M: Jenniper!!(yes its not me mispelling my name, its how she really calls me by my fucked-up name my so called parents gave me) AIYO! Simpan beg kamu la!!! Nanti pergi jemur baju!! Saya sudah tak ada tangan lagi!! Kalau kamu mahu saya di sini, AWAS LU...nanti saya lari!!! baru tahu!!
J: -is at computer sitting cross~legged and scratching leg HARD- oh ok...
M: AWAS LU! -goes in toilet then comes out and yells- CEPAT LA!!
J: -scratches leg even harder-
It stings ALOT right now .....
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Exams :(
Hellow! ^_^
I am here because I am bored till my skull came off... T_T sad eh? :D
Anyways, exams are coming and I have actually finished studying bab 1 for sejarah. I am so PROUD! ^_^ I have noticed that i have a lot of home work..... o.o better get goin...
Bye BYe!! and break a leg everyone!! ^_^
I am here because I am bored till my skull came off... T_T sad eh? :D
Anyways, exams are coming and I have actually finished studying bab 1 for sejarah. I am so PROUD! ^_^ I have noticed that i have a lot of home work..... o.o better get goin...
Bye BYe!! and break a leg everyone!! ^_^
Saturday, May 9, 2009
I just watched "X-men Origins- Wolverine" and I must say it was seriously boring. The only part I liked was where Logan/jimmy's brother, Victor aka Sabretooth(Liev Schreiber) kills other mutants.
Victor is so far my favorite one in the movie, he is the one that brings in the action and everything. Plus, he aint that bad looking ;D
Wesak Day was today and since I'm not a very religious person, I did not go to a temple.
Have fun. ROCK ON!!
Victor is so far my favorite one in the movie, he is the one that brings in the action and everything. Plus, he aint that bad looking ;D
Wesak Day was today and since I'm not a very religious person, I did not go to a temple.
Have fun. ROCK ON!!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Yes! Everyone, I am posting once again :D
I promised myself that I would update my blog more often now as I dont want a DEAD blog. I just found out that Ruth and Rachel have blogs aswell, you can go visit if you want. You do know where the links are riight?? o.o
School today was okay, Chanel did not go to school. Whats wrong dear? I seriously wonder why. None of the teachers did much teaching today though, it was actually weird.
Short post as there is nothing to talk about.
BTW, I totally disagree with you Wee Ren!!
" Friends never last forever, friends are meant to be used to reach our goals." says Wee Ren.
=.= sad sad SAD little boy. This is why you have no friends!! :D
I promised myself that I would update my blog more often now as I dont want a DEAD blog. I just found out that Ruth and Rachel have blogs aswell, you can go visit if you want. You do know where the links are riight?? o.o
School today was okay, Chanel did not go to school. Whats wrong dear? I seriously wonder why. None of the teachers did much teaching today though, it was actually weird.
Short post as there is nothing to talk about.
BTW, I totally disagree with you Wee Ren!!
" Friends never last forever, friends are meant to be used to reach our goals." says Wee Ren.
=.= sad sad SAD little boy. This is why you have no friends!! :D
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
My Blog ish DEAD! I know I know :D
But you cant blame me for not updating, since school has been really hectic lately..
I have like 2 more projects to do i think (see what i mean by hectic?! i cant even remember what i have to do).
Anyways, Update time ^__^
1 little word can already describe how my life is turning out to be....
HECTIC! or maybe FREAKISH! or you can also try DARK! or DAMNED!
By the way, I have just noticed how much I love the picture of "Rocking Vampire" right above my blog, all thanks to.......
ZHOU YEN!!! ^___^
We had our KH cooking thing today, and me and ZY made fussili(pasta) and fruit punch. The teacher was so proud since we set up the table oh-so nicely, plus, we had a vase with A flower, seashells and paper stars ^^ It was rocking! as usual. BUT. We had a little problem along the way, we did not bring a plastic bag to put all the rubbish in and we did not bring a ragged cloth to wipe-wipe our side of the kitchen. Fortunately, JD and JM had a plastic bag and we managed to stuff ours in AND only our side of the kitchen provides cloth, so we were lucky enough to get that side, get me? ^___^
I just remebered that we did not bring any napkins, which is weird cause that would be the first thing on my mind usually. :D
But you cant blame me for not updating, since school has been really hectic lately..
I have like 2 more projects to do i think (see what i mean by hectic?! i cant even remember what i have to do).
Anyways, Update time ^__^
1 little word can already describe how my life is turning out to be....
HECTIC! or maybe FREAKISH! or you can also try DARK! or DAMNED!
By the way, I have just noticed how much I love the picture of "Rocking Vampire" right above my blog, all thanks to.......
ZHOU YEN!!! ^___^
We had our KH cooking thing today, and me and ZY made fussili(pasta) and fruit punch. The teacher was so proud since we set up the table oh-so nicely, plus, we had a vase with A flower, seashells and paper stars ^^ It was rocking! as usual. BUT. We had a little problem along the way, we did not bring a plastic bag to put all the rubbish in and we did not bring a ragged cloth to wipe-wipe our side of the kitchen. Fortunately, JD and JM had a plastic bag and we managed to stuff ours in AND only our side of the kitchen provides cloth, so we were lucky enough to get that side, get me? ^___^
I just remebered that we did not bring any napkins, which is weird cause that would be the first thing on my mind usually. :D
Thursday, April 30, 2009
About Moi.....RAWR!
Alright! After taking several facebook quizzes (fake, i know) I found out more about myself ^__^
Vampire Name: Mordia Blackraven
Japanese Name: Miyoko Gojo
Witch Name: Zaria The Dark Witch
Villainess name: The Shrivelled Hag ........-twitches eye-
Italian Name: Genvre(Jon-vere) Ferrari (me likey my last name)
Demon Name: Kimeta! ^^ (not from facebook, but from my good ol' friend nobody knows of)
Ice Cream Flavour: Strawberry (eww)
Unlucky Colour: None ^^
Hair Colour Best For Moi(yes i have checked it is spelled like this) : Red
High School Status: Goth/Emo (kinda?)
Fantasy Creature: Vampire
Dark Creature: Dragon
Element: Darkness
Guardian Angel: Lucifer The Fallen Angel ^___^
Eye Colour Best For Me: An Uncommon Colour (Purple, Orange, RED!! etc.)
My Vampire Eye Colour: Crimson(its a RED!!)
Which Romance Movie? : The Notebook. (I heard its pretty interesting)
And i guess thats about it ^^
Vampire Name: Mordia Blackraven
Japanese Name: Miyoko Gojo
Witch Name: Zaria The Dark Witch
Villainess name: The Shrivelled Hag ........-twitches eye-
Italian Name: Genvre(Jon-vere) Ferrari (me likey my last name)
Demon Name: Kimeta! ^^ (not from facebook, but from my good ol' friend nobody knows of)
Ice Cream Flavour: Strawberry (eww)
Unlucky Colour: None ^^
Hair Colour Best For Moi(yes i have checked it is spelled like this) : Red
High School Status: Goth/Emo (kinda?)
Fantasy Creature: Vampire
Dark Creature: Dragon
Element: Darkness
Guardian Angel: Lucifer The Fallen Angel ^___^
Eye Colour Best For Me: An Uncommon Colour (Purple, Orange, RED!! etc.)
My Vampire Eye Colour: Crimson(its a RED!!)
Which Romance Movie? : The Notebook. (I heard its pretty interesting)
And i guess thats about it ^^
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Sports Day!
Sports day was ok i guess, we, as in US, the photography club is selling stuff on Sports day which is today. Ok, we managed to sell most of the marshmallows and all of the lollies and only half the tub of ice-lemon tea. All thanks to...
Zheng Yi
Yue Yang
Lick Yin
Jennifer (ME!)
Joe Lim
and i think thats everyone... :D
Anyways while selling me and Yue Yang and Joe Lim were ACTUALLY talking about the 6L gathering we just had, but of course i didnt go so what we talked about was...
Yue Yang: Eh, you know Stephanie's English more pro than you ya know..
Joe Lim: Ya lah! so damn scary man...
Me: -busy packing- Oh of course, she was always better than me, and why was it scary?
Yue Yang: Her english la! she talk like american man! Fuyoh1 Damn scary...
Joe Lim: Ya la!!!
Me: -is surprised- isnt that normal? i mean i also sometimes use my british accent on you guys.
Yue Yang: Ya i know, your 1 better but her 1 is damn scary weih, her 1 mix american and british.
Joe Lim: Ya la!
Me: OHHHHH....oh well, i never talk to her for a very long time already, so i dont know :D
Yue Yang: Damn scary weih!!
Joe Lim: Agreed!
I just realized that all Joe said was "Ya La!" and "Agreed" :D
We earned around RM 101.70 all thank to the guys that actually went to the bleachers to ask their friends to buy while I sit and took good care of the stall while selling lollies.
In the end, Zheng Yi(damn rich dude) bought everyone ice-cream to eat ^^ it was nice.
Zheng Yi
Yue Yang
Lick Yin
Jennifer (ME!)
Joe Lim
and i think thats everyone... :D
Anyways while selling me and Yue Yang and Joe Lim were ACTUALLY talking about the 6L gathering we just had, but of course i didnt go so what we talked about was...
Yue Yang: Eh, you know Stephanie's English more pro than you ya know..
Joe Lim: Ya lah! so damn scary man...
Me: -busy packing- Oh of course, she was always better than me, and why was it scary?
Yue Yang: Her english la! she talk like american man! Fuyoh1 Damn scary...
Joe Lim: Ya la!!!
Me: -is surprised- isnt that normal? i mean i also sometimes use my british accent on you guys.
Yue Yang: Ya i know, your 1 better but her 1 is damn scary weih, her 1 mix american and british.
Joe Lim: Ya la!
Me: OHHHHH....oh well, i never talk to her for a very long time already, so i dont know :D
Yue Yang: Damn scary weih!!
Joe Lim: Agreed!
I just realized that all Joe said was "Ya La!" and "Agreed" :D
We earned around RM 101.70 all thank to the guys that actually went to the bleachers to ask their friends to buy while I sit and took good care of the stall while selling lollies.
In the end, Zheng Yi(damn rich dude) bought everyone ice-cream to eat ^^ it was nice.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
True Blood!!!!!!!!!! :D

Thursday, April 9, 2009
True Blood!! is my True Nature!!
I watched "True Blood" last night from like 9pm till 2 am in the morning, and I have to seriously express my feelings in this blog right now that....
As you can see, the words are smaller than usual, well thats cause i made them extra extra small so my expressive "True Blood" thing will stick out and be huge! get it? hopefully you do ^^
I just cant believe I stayed up for like around 5 hours just to watch "True Blood" I would usually be like snoring half way thru!! BUT NOT THIS TIME!! True Blood Rules!!!
I will soon upload pics of "True Blood" the SERIES soon ^^ What surprised me was that "True Blood" is not a movie but a series....but though I dont think their fangs looked really real xD it looks fake~ish but still the series rocks!! ^^
As you can see, the words are smaller than usual, well thats cause i made them extra extra small so my expressive "True Blood" thing will stick out and be huge! get it? hopefully you do ^^
I just cant believe I stayed up for like around 5 hours just to watch "True Blood" I would usually be like snoring half way thru!! BUT NOT THIS TIME!! True Blood Rules!!!
I will soon upload pics of "True Blood" the SERIES soon ^^ What surprised me was that "True Blood" is not a movie but a series....but though I dont think their fangs looked really real xD it looks fake~ish but still the series rocks!! ^^
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Internet Is Back!! :D
The Internet is finally back on! WOHOO!! Im so happy, words cant describe how i feel right now, ok exaggerating a bit here :D but i dont care! Im just so happy!! ^^
Ive been doing loads and loads of stuff on the internet lately.
Ya'll are probably wondering what has happened lately in school, well nothing much really. But I am selling stuff durong Hari Sukan i think, Its not confirmed whether or not im selling but all i know is that our Photography club are selling stuff. And I as the treasurer of the club may count how much we earned xDD ill be surounded by money :D...
Dont worry Im not a money minded person xD
Ive been doing loads and loads of stuff on the internet lately.
Ya'll are probably wondering what has happened lately in school, well nothing much really. But I am selling stuff durong Hari Sukan i think, Its not confirmed whether or not im selling but all i know is that our Photography club are selling stuff. And I as the treasurer of the club may count how much we earned xDD ill be surounded by money :D...
Dont worry Im not a money minded person xD
Sunday, April 5, 2009
List, no internet....
This totally sucks!!
*dies because of suckish life!*
I will have no internet for 1 whole friggin' week!! *cries* Because of a stupid thunder storm....I now am blogging in my neighbours house *loves them as they have wifi*Anyways, I have nothing to blog about besides my internet loss....Well since im here I shall make a new list!
What to do when theres no internet!
1) Draw and draw and draw (Did That this morning)
2) Play with dogs.
3) Read books and finish all books that has not been read(I practically read every book I own)
4) Play with plushies in room *Coughs as they are too dusty*
5) Write a novel (I might be kidding?)
6) Talk to fwends......ok maybe not since well they'll be wasting credit for my needs -feels selfish+guilty-
7) OMG!! My life sucks!!! I will scream in a pillow and go all emo!! xD
8) Practice my taekwondo! HIYA!! -is influenced by RE 4 and Tekken 5- :D
9) Practice knifing xD with nail clippers? as it is safer?
10) practice randomness on teddy(my ex, we dated when I was 5 and he was...1)
Im done!!
*dies because of suckish life!*
I will have no internet for 1 whole friggin' week!! *cries* Because of a stupid thunder storm....I now am blogging in my neighbours house *loves them as they have wifi*Anyways, I have nothing to blog about besides my internet loss....Well since im here I shall make a new list!
What to do when theres no internet!
1) Draw and draw and draw (Did That this morning)
2) Play with dogs.
3) Read books and finish all books that has not been read(I practically read every book I own)
4) Play with plushies in room *Coughs as they are too dusty*
5) Write a novel (I might be kidding?)
6) Talk to fwends......ok maybe not since well they'll be wasting credit for my needs -feels selfish+guilty-
7) OMG!! My life sucks!!! I will scream in a pillow and go all emo!! xD
8) Practice my taekwondo! HIYA!! -is influenced by RE 4 and Tekken 5- :D
9) Practice knifing xD with nail clippers? as it is safer?
10) practice randomness on teddy(my ex, we dated when I was 5 and he was...1)
Im done!!
Monday, March 30, 2009
David A. Tickets
Chanel says my blog is DEAD, yup thats right! D-E-A-D, DEAD! xD im expressing my hyper/random~ness on my blog :D
As you can see im using loads of smileys ^^ see! thats another 1! xD
Anyways, Christine asked me to join some David Archie contest to win tickets to his concert....I seriuosly dont understand why they dont sell em....I mean c'mon! First and foremost, I am just "ok" with David Archie and the only reason why she asked me to is cuz....
-a mob runs up to Jennifer and slices her in half-
Oh great, i cant feel my legs xD ok anyways the reason is well I aint sure whether i can tell everyone xD so well lets put it this way, Im helping someone and it just makes me feel good.....
Here come the bad news! I have no idea how to SMS to win those David Archie tickets xDD Christine says she'll tell me how, all I know is that to SMS during the Hitz.FM drive thru from 4-8 pm thats all i know....
Good Luck to whoever thats trying to win those tickets and Congrats to whoever won those tickets!!
As you can see im using loads of smileys ^^ see! thats another 1! xD
Anyways, Christine asked me to join some David Archie contest to win tickets to his concert....I seriuosly dont understand why they dont sell em....I mean c'mon! First and foremost, I am just "ok" with David Archie and the only reason why she asked me to is cuz....
-a mob runs up to Jennifer and slices her in half-
Oh great, i cant feel my legs xD ok anyways the reason is well I aint sure whether i can tell everyone xD so well lets put it this way, Im helping someone and it just makes me feel good.....
Here come the bad news! I have no idea how to SMS to win those David Archie tickets xDD Christine says she'll tell me how, all I know is that to SMS during the Hitz.FM drive thru from 4-8 pm thats all i know....
Good Luck to whoever thats trying to win those tickets and Congrats to whoever won those tickets!!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
I just watched "Vampire Knights"(anime) season 1 and 2(13 episodes per season) and im already dying to watch season 3!!! OH MYYY GOOOODDDDD!!!!! I am so addicted to this Anime......this is not good, cause like every NORMAL human being(i hate to admit it) I will stop doing my homework to watch this anime, stop eating to watch this anime(this is actually more of a good thing instead of bad), stop talking to people and watch anime(this is also a good thing as I hate being nagged at) etc....
I actually watched this anime because my cousin, Kiara, asked me to!! She's alll the way in Manila(sad eh?) I met her when I was visiting my god-ma, god-sis and god-bro. I cant even believe we have so much in common!! She went to Japan for goodness sakes!! and bought those black and red puffy dresses!!! ARGH!! We even AGREED that blood taste good!? My experience in blood tasting was when I cut my finger and well I just started licking it and sucking it....which was weird but at the same time tasty!
Do I even have to say that we both love Vampires??
While I was in Manila over at her place, me, her, Simon(some dude that came with me and my family on this trip), god-sis and my brother(oh boy! -punches stuff-) watched a Movie....called..."Silent Death" sound familiar?? Well I'll give you a hint,
There was a woman named Mary Shaw,
She had no children, but only dolls,
When you see her in your drem,
Make sure you never ever scream.
Remember it already?? Oh well! My god-sis and bro chose that movie since they ACTUALLY wanted to watch a horror film...my god-sis got real scared and jumped on Simon(awww, how kawaii!!) ^^
My trip to Manila was fun I guess,
Enjoyment: Meeting cousins, food, shopping.....
Mind My Temper: My brother, My parents
Im sure you know what happens next! So go guess....
I actually watched this anime because my cousin, Kiara, asked me to!! She's alll the way in Manila(sad eh?) I met her when I was visiting my god-ma, god-sis and god-bro. I cant even believe we have so much in common!! She went to Japan for goodness sakes!! and bought those black and red puffy dresses!!! ARGH!! We even AGREED that blood taste good!? My experience in blood tasting was when I cut my finger and well I just started licking it and sucking it....which was weird but at the same time tasty!
Do I even have to say that we both love Vampires??
While I was in Manila over at her place, me, her, Simon(some dude that came with me and my family on this trip), god-sis and my brother(oh boy! -punches stuff-) watched a Movie....called..."Silent Death" sound familiar?? Well I'll give you a hint,
There was a woman named Mary Shaw,
She had no children, but only dolls,
When you see her in your drem,
Make sure you never ever scream.
Remember it already?? Oh well! My god-sis and bro chose that movie since they ACTUALLY wanted to watch a horror film...my god-sis got real scared and jumped on Simon(awww, how kawaii!!) ^^
My trip to Manila was fun I guess,
Enjoyment: Meeting cousins, food, shopping.....
Mind My Temper: My brother, My parents
Im sure you know what happens next! So go guess....
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Woah something reallly creepy just happened...I was taking my afternoon nap when i had a daymare about my brother dying!! It was soooooo crepy. When I woke up i was sweaty and my eyes were all wet!
That was seriously creepy.....I dont remember HOW my brother died but all i knew was he was floating around. I also knew that I lived somewhere else, like Australia cause we had a baby Joe(baby kangaroo) then my neighbour was a really Hot dude...ok you may think this is just a dream why is she making such a huge deal out of it? Well It just seemed sooo REAL!
Maybe my move to Australia may not be so pleasent after all....
That was seriously creepy.....I dont remember HOW my brother died but all i knew was he was floating around. I also knew that I lived somewhere else, like Australia cause we had a baby Joe(baby kangaroo) then my neighbour was a really Hot dude...ok you may think this is just a dream why is she making such a huge deal out of it? Well It just seemed sooo REAL!
Maybe my move to Australia may not be so pleasent after all....
Friday, March 6, 2009
My Private Blog.
Many of you little people must be wondering why I have suddenly created a private blog, well its nothing really just my really really REALLY private online diary. No i will not invite anyone to read it. Its my own personal space and thats final.
Some of you may think that "Why would I wanna read her stupid private blog, dont give then dont give lo!" well i got news for you buddy I totally agree with you, surprised?
I would normally say "Fuck Off You Bitch!" but since i actually surprisingly agree? Well I aint gonna say that. As I actually agrre with you...I will also be pissed if you dont lemme read your private blog but whatever, its your blog not mine so you can do whatever you want with it.
Some of you may think that "Why would I wanna read her stupid private blog, dont give then dont give lo!" well i got news for you buddy I totally agree with you, surprised?
I would normally say "Fuck Off You Bitch!" but since i actually surprisingly agree? Well I aint gonna say that. As I actually agrre with you...I will also be pissed if you dont lemme read your private blog but whatever, its your blog not mine so you can do whatever you want with it.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Merentas Desa
Merentas Desa was surprisingly fun. I think the only part of fun was cause i had my I-pod. I wasl istening to my playlist while walking all the way back to school. I did the speed walk, then jogged for like 2 mins, then walked again and finally i jogged all the way back to school. I first hanged mith JD, Marion and some girl which i dont know who is she. Then i ditched them (they were slow).
I jogged and walked like I said and met surprisingly let up with Irene and Mei Yee all the way front( Rock music must have pumped me up so thats why I managed to jog all the way front). Then Irene decided to jog but both me and Mei Yee didnt wanna so she jogged off. Then after a few minutes my song (P.O.D- Boom) started to play so i jogged off all the way back to school .^^
Met up with 2K people(Su Ann, Ruth, Alyssa) who finished earlier than me at my table. We chilled and bought....WATER!! I managed to finish a bottle(500 ml) in 5 minutes. Surprising eh?
Then I met up with Marion and we walked to the little so-called stalls that sold ice cream, sandwiches, coke etc. by students. Bought Ice cream me and Marion shared. Sadly, it was vanilla and not chocolate.
Then it was time to clean the school up, we managed to run away from the whole thing and to the bus-stop. Listened to I-pod, chatted and stuff like that happened. Surprising again eh?
Then it was time for Marion to leave, so we said our good-byes and she left. I was stuck at a school bus-stop with no food.....but i had my I-pod which wasnt that bad, I listened to songs till my mum came at around.....11 am. I finished at 9 am.....i waited for 2 hours....aint that bad.
Thats about it.
I jogged and walked like I said and met surprisingly let up with Irene and Mei Yee all the way front( Rock music must have pumped me up so thats why I managed to jog all the way front). Then Irene decided to jog but both me and Mei Yee didnt wanna so she jogged off. Then after a few minutes my song (P.O.D- Boom) started to play so i jogged off all the way back to school .^^
Met up with 2K people(Su Ann, Ruth, Alyssa) who finished earlier than me at my table. We chilled and bought....WATER!! I managed to finish a bottle(500 ml) in 5 minutes. Surprising eh?
Then I met up with Marion and we walked to the little so-called stalls that sold ice cream, sandwiches, coke etc. by students. Bought Ice cream me and Marion shared. Sadly, it was vanilla and not chocolate.
Then it was time to clean the school up, we managed to run away from the whole thing and to the bus-stop. Listened to I-pod, chatted and stuff like that happened. Surprising again eh?
Then it was time for Marion to leave, so we said our good-byes and she left. I was stuck at a school bus-stop with no food.....but i had my I-pod which wasnt that bad, I listened to songs till my mum came at around.....11 am. I finished at 9 am.....i waited for 2 hours....aint that bad.
Thats about it.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
I just came across a very beautiful song. Please appreciate this wonderful song. It means a lot to me.
With Me by Sum 41
I dont want this moment to ever end,
Where everything is nothig without you,
I'll wait here forever just to, to see you smile,
Cause its true I am nothing without you.
Through it all I made my mistakes,
I stumble and fall, but I mean these words.
I want you to know,
With everything,
I wont let this go,
These words are my heart and soul,
I'll hold on to this momentyou know, cause I'd bleed my heart out to show,
And I wont let go.
Thoughts read unspoken , forever in doubt,
Pieces oif memories fall to the ground,
I know what i didnt have so, i wont let this go,
Cause Im nothing without you.
All the streets where i walked alone, with nowhere to go,
Ive come to an end.
I want you to know,
With everything I wont let this go, these words are my heart and soul,
I'll hold on to this momentyou know, cause I'd bleed my heart to show,
And I wont let this go.
In front of your eyes, it falls from the skies,
When you dont know what you're looking to find,
In front of your eyes, it falls from the skies,
When you just never know what you will find (what you will find)
I dont want this moment to ever end,
Where everythings nothing without you.
I want you to know,
With everything I wont let this go, these words are my heart and soul,
I'll hold on to this moment you know, cause I'd bleed my heart out to show,
And I wont let this go(i want you to know).
With everything I wont let this go, these words are my heart and soul,
I'll hold on to this moment you know, cause I'd bleed my heart out to show,
And I wont let go...
Its so beautiful, please listen to it. I like songs that show out loads of feelings.
Example of bands that do so: Sum 41, 3 Days Grace, Escape The Fate, P.O.D and Green Day.
Im sure there are much more bands, I just have not discovered them yet.
With Me by Sum 41
I dont want this moment to ever end,
Where everything is nothig without you,
I'll wait here forever just to, to see you smile,
Cause its true I am nothing without you.
Through it all I made my mistakes,
I stumble and fall, but I mean these words.
I want you to know,
With everything,
I wont let this go,
These words are my heart and soul,
I'll hold on to this momentyou know, cause I'd bleed my heart out to show,
And I wont let go.
Thoughts read unspoken , forever in doubt,
Pieces oif memories fall to the ground,
I know what i didnt have so, i wont let this go,
Cause Im nothing without you.
All the streets where i walked alone, with nowhere to go,
Ive come to an end.
I want you to know,
With everything I wont let this go, these words are my heart and soul,
I'll hold on to this momentyou know, cause I'd bleed my heart to show,
And I wont let this go.
In front of your eyes, it falls from the skies,
When you dont know what you're looking to find,
In front of your eyes, it falls from the skies,
When you just never know what you will find (what you will find)
I dont want this moment to ever end,
Where everythings nothing without you.
I want you to know,
With everything I wont let this go, these words are my heart and soul,
I'll hold on to this moment you know, cause I'd bleed my heart out to show,
And I wont let this go(i want you to know).
With everything I wont let this go, these words are my heart and soul,
I'll hold on to this moment you know, cause I'd bleed my heart out to show,
And I wont let go...
Its so beautiful, please listen to it. I like songs that show out loads of feelings.
Example of bands that do so: Sum 41, 3 Days Grace, Escape The Fate, P.O.D and Green Day.
Im sure there are much more bands, I just have not discovered them yet.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Tagged By Maes AGAIN!
It's harder than it looks! Copy to your own note, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag ten people. Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real - nothing made up! If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.
1. What is your name : Jennifer
2. A four Letter Word : Jump. ^^
3. A boy's Name : Jackson.
4. A girl's Name : Jaqueline.
5. An occupation : Janitor xD
6. A color : Jade
7. Something you'll wear : Jacket
9. A food : Jelly =D
10. Something found in the bathroom : Jar of toothbrushes ^^
11. A place : Japan!
12. A reason for being late : Jerkface Mum
13. Something you'd shout : Jackass!!
14. A movie title : Jailhouse Rock! (I dont even know this movie. But its a real movie, i just dont know it existed..)
15. Something you drink : Jolly Shandy!! ^^
16. A musical group : Jagged Edge.
17. An animal : Jaguar
18. A street name : Jupiter Lanes
19. A type of car : J Ford
20. The title of a song : Jenny- The Click Five xD
I taggggggggggg:
Jun Mae
Hu Shean
Khai Syuen
Mae Yen
Zhiou Ru
Sue Lin
1. What is your name : Jennifer
2. A four Letter Word : Jump. ^^
3. A boy's Name : Jackson.
4. A girl's Name : Jaqueline.
5. An occupation : Janitor xD
6. A color : Jade
7. Something you'll wear : Jacket
9. A food : Jelly =D
10. Something found in the bathroom : Jar of toothbrushes ^^
11. A place : Japan!
12. A reason for being late : Jerkface Mum
13. Something you'd shout : Jackass!!
14. A movie title : Jailhouse Rock! (I dont even know this movie. But its a real movie, i just dont know it existed..)
15. Something you drink : Jolly Shandy!! ^^
16. A musical group : Jagged Edge.
17. An animal : Jaguar
18. A street name : Jupiter Lanes
19. A type of car : J Ford
20. The title of a song : Jenny- The Click Five xD
I taggggggggggg:
Jun Mae
Hu Shean
Khai Syuen
Mae Yen
Zhiou Ru
Sue Lin
Friday, February 20, 2009
Tagged By Maes
1. Last beverage→ Coconut Water :]
2. Last phone call→ Just now in the car, my dad.
3. Last text message→ Lick Yin, a guy friend, sissy. xD
4. Last song you listened to→ Gone Forever by 3 Days Grace.
5. Last time you cried→ Few days ago. I think it was Monday.
1. Dated someone twice → Nuh-uh.
2. Been cheated on?→ Ha! Yeah right.
3. Kissed someone & regretted it?→ Nope
4. Lost someone special?→ Yeah.
5. Been depressed?→ Definitely.
6. Been drunk and threw up? → Drunk, Yes. Threw up, nope. I passed out instead. :)
1. Black
2. Red
3. Grey
4. White
1. Made new friends → Yush!
2. Fallen out of love → Not really.
3. Laughed until you cried → Yes. :)
4. Met someone who changed you→Yup.
5. Found out who your true friends were → Of course.
6. Found out someone was talking about you→ Yup, months ago.
7. Kissed anyone on your friend's list→ Yuck!
8. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life → All of em dumb dumb.
9. How many kids do you want to have→ 2-3 i guess.
10. Do you have any pets → 2 dogs.
11. Do you want to change your name→ Not really. Just my last name.
12. What did you do for your last birthday→ Got wet.
13. What time did you wake up today → 7.30
14. What were you doing at midnight last night → Chatting on msn ^^
15. Name something you CANNOT wait for → Songs to finish downloading.
16. Last time you saw your father→ 2 mins ago.
17. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life → My Life.
18. What are you listening to right now → We Will Rise by Arch Enemy.
19. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom --> Errr no.
23. What's getting on your nerves right now? → School teachers.
24. Most visited webpage → Youtube.
What is?
1. What's your name→ Jennifer. (But i want to be called Jen)
2. Nicknames→ Jen, Jenny, Jenny~Furrrr~ball.
3. Zodiac sign→ Virgo
4. Male or female or transgendered→ Female
6. Elementary→ Yume (You- Me)
7. Middle School → Lick Hung
8. High school → Seafield
10. Hair color → Pure Black
11. Long or short → Longish+ Shortish= Medium length Hair
16. Height → 5'3 What do you think?
17. Do you have a crush on someone? → maybe.... ;)
18: What do you like about yourself? → My passion for rock/ metal music!
19. Piercings → On my ears
20. Tattoos → Got one. (fake of course)
21. Righty or lefty → Righty
22. First surgery → Never had surgery.
23. First piercing → When i was 13.
24. First best friends → Stephanie and Livia and Maes
26. First sport you joined → Taekwondo. (if you consider this a sport)
27. First pet → Puppy.
28. First vacation→ When i was 3, went to Australia.
29. First concert →Never been to a concert.
30. First crush → A dude.
49. Eating → Chocolate.
50. Drinking → Coffee.
52. I'm about to → Rock out!
53. Listening to → Good Charlotte- Keep your hands off my girl.
55. Waiting for → My dying day.
58. Want kids? I might consider
59. Want to get married? Yup.
60. Careers in mind? Rocker....still thinking ....
68. Lips or eyes--> Both.
69. Hugs or kisses → Both
70. Shorter or taller → Taller
71. Older or Younger → Older
72. Romantic or spontaneous → BOTH!
73. Nice stomach or nice arms → Both
74. Sensitive or loud → Both
75. Hook-up or relationship → Relationship
77. Trouble maker or hesitant→ Both
78. Kissed a stranger → Nope
79. Drank hard liquor → Beer
80. Lost glasses/contacts → Nope
81. Sex on first date → Ive been on a date?
82. Broken someone's heart → And positive that I have not.
83. Had your own heart broken → Once
86. Turned someone down → Nope
87. Cried when someone died → Nope
88. Liked a friend that is a girl? → Err im no lesbo!
89. Yourself → A lil.
90. Miracles → Yes
91. Love at first sight → Nope.
92. Heaven → Yes.
93. Santa Clause → Nope. (sorry santa if you really exist)
95. Kiss on the first date? → Like I said, Ive been on a date??
96. Angels → Yes.
97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? → Yup.
98. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time? → I have not even started dating yet.
100. Posting this as 100 Truths? Nope sorry.
I taaaaaggggg:
-Maes (again if possible)
-Khai Syuen.
2. Last phone call→ Just now in the car, my dad.
3. Last text message→ Lick Yin, a guy friend, sissy. xD
4. Last song you listened to→ Gone Forever by 3 Days Grace.
5. Last time you cried→ Few days ago. I think it was Monday.
1. Dated someone twice → Nuh-uh.
2. Been cheated on?→ Ha! Yeah right.
3. Kissed someone & regretted it?→ Nope
4. Lost someone special?→ Yeah.
5. Been depressed?→ Definitely.
6. Been drunk and threw up? → Drunk, Yes. Threw up, nope. I passed out instead. :)
1. Black
2. Red
3. Grey
4. White
1. Made new friends → Yush!
2. Fallen out of love → Not really.
3. Laughed until you cried → Yes. :)
4. Met someone who changed you→Yup.
5. Found out who your true friends were → Of course.
6. Found out someone was talking about you→ Yup, months ago.
7. Kissed anyone on your friend's list→ Yuck!
8. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life → All of em dumb dumb.
9. How many kids do you want to have→ 2-3 i guess.
10. Do you have any pets → 2 dogs.
11. Do you want to change your name→ Not really. Just my last name.
12. What did you do for your last birthday→ Got wet.
13. What time did you wake up today → 7.30
14. What were you doing at midnight last night → Chatting on msn ^^
15. Name something you CANNOT wait for → Songs to finish downloading.
16. Last time you saw your father→ 2 mins ago.
17. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life → My Life.
18. What are you listening to right now → We Will Rise by Arch Enemy.
19. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom --> Errr no.
23. What's getting on your nerves right now? → School teachers.
24. Most visited webpage → Youtube.
What is?
1. What's your name→ Jennifer. (But i want to be called Jen)
2. Nicknames→ Jen, Jenny, Jenny~Furrrr~ball.
3. Zodiac sign→ Virgo
4. Male or female or transgendered→ Female
6. Elementary→ Yume (You- Me)
7. Middle School → Lick Hung
8. High school → Seafield
10. Hair color → Pure Black
11. Long or short → Longish+ Shortish= Medium length Hair
16. Height → 5'3 What do you think?
17. Do you have a crush on someone? → maybe.... ;)
18: What do you like about yourself? → My passion for rock/ metal music!
19. Piercings → On my ears
20. Tattoos → Got one. (fake of course)
21. Righty or lefty → Righty
22. First surgery → Never had surgery.
23. First piercing → When i was 13.
24. First best friends → Stephanie and Livia and Maes
26. First sport you joined → Taekwondo. (if you consider this a sport)
27. First pet → Puppy.
28. First vacation→ When i was 3, went to Australia.
29. First concert →Never been to a concert.
30. First crush → A dude.
49. Eating → Chocolate.
50. Drinking → Coffee.
52. I'm about to → Rock out!
53. Listening to → Good Charlotte- Keep your hands off my girl.
55. Waiting for → My dying day.
58. Want kids? I might consider
59. Want to get married? Yup.
60. Careers in mind? Rocker....still thinking ....
68. Lips or eyes--> Both.
69. Hugs or kisses → Both
70. Shorter or taller → Taller
71. Older or Younger → Older
72. Romantic or spontaneous → BOTH!
73. Nice stomach or nice arms → Both
74. Sensitive or loud → Both
75. Hook-up or relationship → Relationship
77. Trouble maker or hesitant→ Both
78. Kissed a stranger → Nope
79. Drank hard liquor → Beer
80. Lost glasses/contacts → Nope
81. Sex on first date → Ive been on a date?
82. Broken someone's heart → And positive that I have not.
83. Had your own heart broken → Once
86. Turned someone down → Nope
87. Cried when someone died → Nope
88. Liked a friend that is a girl? → Err im no lesbo!
89. Yourself → A lil.
90. Miracles → Yes
91. Love at first sight → Nope.
92. Heaven → Yes.
93. Santa Clause → Nope. (sorry santa if you really exist)
95. Kiss on the first date? → Like I said, Ive been on a date??
96. Angels → Yes.
97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? → Yup.
98. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time? → I have not even started dating yet.
100. Posting this as 100 Truths? Nope sorry.
I taaaaaggggg:
-Maes (again if possible)
-Khai Syuen.
Exams Were Here And Now They're Over
I forgot to tell you that I had exams and now they're over!!
Well Ive got practically nothing to say.
All the best.
Well Ive got practically nothing to say.
All the best.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
I Got Tagged!
DIRECTION: Once you've been tagged, you have to write a post about 16 random things, habits or goals about you. At last, choose 5 people to be tagged, listing their names and why you chose them.
1) I love cookies! (Chocolate pwease and no other flavour)
2) I love my parents dearly no matter what they do to me. (Suprising eh?)
3) I don't like bananas.
4) I want to learn the ELECTRIC guitar. (please do not leave out the word electric from the word guitar it will kill me)
5) I am afraid of clowns. (*flashback when i was 5*.......)
6) When I am angry/pissed, I listen to heavy/death/black metal songs.
7) When I am happy, I still listen to heavy/death/black metal songs. :)
8) I cant sleep without my little white errr boaster...
9) Whenever I think about the future in my mind, it always turns the opposite way.
10) Vampires are awesome! (This one's for you Christine) xD
11) I wanna become a pro electric guitarist!
12) Travel planet to planet in a spaceship. :D
13) I am always random!
14) Im crazy!! :DD
15) I have a thing for heads+patting. :)
16) I wanna become an assasin! xD
I would like to tag Stephanie and Chanel and Christine and Mae Yen and Alynna. :)
1) I love cookies! (Chocolate pwease and no other flavour)
2) I love my parents dearly no matter what they do to me. (Suprising eh?)
3) I don't like bananas.
4) I want to learn the ELECTRIC guitar. (please do not leave out the word electric from the word guitar it will kill me)
5) I am afraid of clowns. (*flashback when i was 5*.......)
6) When I am angry/pissed, I listen to heavy/death/black metal songs.
7) When I am happy, I still listen to heavy/death/black metal songs. :)
8) I cant sleep without my little white errr boaster...
9) Whenever I think about the future in my mind, it always turns the opposite way.
10) Vampires are awesome! (This one's for you Christine) xD
11) I wanna become a pro electric guitarist!
12) Travel planet to planet in a spaceship. :D
13) I am always random!
14) Im crazy!! :DD
15) I have a thing for heads+patting. :)
16) I wanna become an assasin! xD
I would like to tag Stephanie and Chanel and Christine and Mae Yen and Alynna. :)
Friday, February 13, 2009
Another List Of Things.
Im just bored. I know its a friday and everyone would be like...playing...and stuff but alas im bored till my eyes are stressed out cause i have been staring the computer screen for the past 15 mins. My eyes hurt.
Scars are like memories, some you may not want to remember.
Got that from a friend. That friend is awesome! Heres another list of things.
What Would Happen If I Became An Assasin
- A step closer to death.
- Will buy a really nice shotgun/TMP/striker.
- Will drive around in a very nice car. (Ferrari Spider)
- Will practice aiming and shooting every single day.
- Change name.
- Make a fake ID and passport.
- Try not to fail missions.
- Try to suceed in missions.
- Try to kill all targeted enemies.
- Try to save bullets and not waste them on worthless people.
- Have the catch phrase "See you in Hell" and then shoot the guy.
- Buy nice clothes after getting the money.
- Upgrade car. (Make car faster)
- Build own driving range for own to practice driving the car in several unique ways.
- Build own lab and arcade(hey, a assasin needs to relax too sometimes).
- Try to live as long as possible(OBVIOUSLY!)
- Try to be nice to enemies.
Thats it.
Scars are like memories, some you may not want to remember.
Got that from a friend. That friend is awesome! Heres another list of things.
What Would Happen If I Became An Assasin
- A step closer to death.
- Will buy a really nice shotgun/TMP/striker.
- Will drive around in a very nice car. (Ferrari Spider)
- Will practice aiming and shooting every single day.
- Change name.
- Make a fake ID and passport.
- Try not to fail missions.
- Try to suceed in missions.
- Try to kill all targeted enemies.
- Try to save bullets and not waste them on worthless people.
- Have the catch phrase "See you in Hell" and then shoot the guy.
- Buy nice clothes after getting the money.
- Upgrade car. (Make car faster)
- Build own driving range for own to practice driving the car in several unique ways.
- Build own lab and arcade(hey, a assasin needs to relax too sometimes).
- Try to live as long as possible(OBVIOUSLY!)
- Try to be nice to enemies.
Thats it.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
I am now reading a book called "Drums, Girls & Dangerous Pie". That book that really sad SAD book made me so grateful that I am a healthy girl with a great family even if they dont appreciate me that much still I love them.
Someone once told me that he is very grateful to his mum even if his mum actually walked out on him. Still, he loves his mum because without them, he wont be living right now. He is grateful that his parents taught him right. He does not take drugs or smoke or even kill. No matter how much pain the mother had caused him to suffer like a wounded whimperring deer, he still loves his mum dearly. And for that I then cherished the moments I have with my family.
And after reading that book, I am now very grateful to my lil' brother, Yes he may be annoying sometimes but still I am grateful.
It may come to a surprise to you but now Im learning to appreciate my mum and (maybe) my dad. They brought me up right. I dont take drugs or smoke, I do sometimes drink but still I am very grateful to them. I might be in the hospital suffering but I'm not and for that I am very grateful to my parents.
Heres another list of things...
What Would I Do If I Had Cancer.
- Live the rest of my days happily!
- Finish all homework given by teacher(yes including form 1)
- Write my will.
- Sleep early and rise early in the morning too.
- Buy tons of gifts for for family and friends.
- Finish up the story me and my friend are working on.
- Confess all my sins to God. (even if I am not a christian I can still do it)
- Get a tatoo on the back of my neck like I have always wanted.
- Give my blog to my brother.
- Repay all debts.
- Learn how to use oven and bake cookies(chocolate chip)
- Be 100% honest if anyone asks me anything or me judging something.
- Say bye no matter what it takes to everyone on msn when its time to go(before i go to the hospital)
I wanna ask you all something, What will you do if I really had cancer? Im not joking about this question. Please answer honestly. 100% honesty! ^^
In either my cbox/ leave a comment. :)
Someone once told me that he is very grateful to his mum even if his mum actually walked out on him. Still, he loves his mum because without them, he wont be living right now. He is grateful that his parents taught him right. He does not take drugs or smoke or even kill. No matter how much pain the mother had caused him to suffer like a wounded whimperring deer, he still loves his mum dearly. And for that I then cherished the moments I have with my family.
And after reading that book, I am now very grateful to my lil' brother, Yes he may be annoying sometimes but still I am grateful.
It may come to a surprise to you but now Im learning to appreciate my mum and (maybe) my dad. They brought me up right. I dont take drugs or smoke, I do sometimes drink but still I am very grateful to them. I might be in the hospital suffering but I'm not and for that I am very grateful to my parents.
Heres another list of things...
What Would I Do If I Had Cancer.
- Live the rest of my days happily!
- Finish all homework given by teacher(yes including form 1)
- Write my will.
- Sleep early and rise early in the morning too.
- Buy tons of gifts for for family and friends.
- Finish up the story me and my friend are working on.
- Confess all my sins to God. (even if I am not a christian I can still do it)
- Get a tatoo on the back of my neck like I have always wanted.
- Give my blog to my brother.
- Repay all debts.
- Learn how to use oven and bake cookies(chocolate chip)
- Be 100% honest if anyone asks me anything or me judging something.
- Say bye no matter what it takes to everyone on msn when its time to go(before i go to the hospital)
I wanna ask you all something, What will you do if I really had cancer? Im not joking about this question. Please answer honestly. 100% honesty! ^^
In either my cbox/ leave a comment. :)
Friday, February 6, 2009
They laugh at me cause I'm different, I laugh cause they're all the same.
My dream is to be a pro electric guitar player...IS THERE ANYTHING FUNNY ABOUT THAT?!
Now don't EVER leave out the electric from the guitar. I will kill if you do that. Like I said I wanna be a pro ELECTRIC guitar player. Lemme ask you something, is there anything funny about that? They laugh at me cause I'm different, but I laugh cuz they're all the bitchin' same!
Whats with these people you ask? I have no friggin' idea. All I wanna do is play the electric guitar and fulfill my dream, but they just had to laugh and made me feel so insecure. DAMN!
But guess what I dont care what the fuck you guys(you know who you are) think!
Now don't EVER leave out the electric from the guitar. I will kill if you do that. Like I said I wanna be a pro ELECTRIC guitar player. Lemme ask you something, is there anything funny about that? They laugh at me cause I'm different, but I laugh cuz they're all the bitchin' same!
Whats with these people you ask? I have no friggin' idea. All I wanna do is play the electric guitar and fulfill my dream, but they just had to laugh and made me feel so insecure. DAMN!
But guess what I dont care what the fuck you guys(you know who you are) think!
Lalala~ I have no idea why they think its so damn funny! So what if my dream is to be a famous pro electric guitarist?! Its my dream not yours!! So beat it!
-kicks your asses outta my page- Now stay there!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
VAMPIRES Are Better Than Humans.
Again Stephanie disagrees on what I said about vamps being better than humans...well lemme tell not only Stephanie but whoever that reads this, VAMPIRES ARE BETTER THAN HUMANS!
Thats right! Even I a normal human being who lives on earth am very certain that vampires are much more better than humans. Like i said in my previous post(go find the post yourself) vampires only take what they need and nothing more, while humans kill, rape, steal etc...
Like Steph said vampires suck blood to be young. TO LIVE! So what! They suck blood and the person dies and rise up from their grave and live an undead life...while humans takes out a gun aims at the head and BOOM! gone forever. or if you like I can describe the where humans throw bombs at each other insted of gun. Ok. Humans takes out bomb, humans lights up bomb, humans throw bomb at another human, human who got hit on the head by the bomb go BOOM, human blood splats all over the place, end of story...
Dont you dare say vamps will go lick the blood after the human went BOOM! They're not that disgusting. Now do you need me to explain another story about humans using knives? To all the humans that said yes, its your lucky day! To the humans that said no, go fuck yourself while i tell the Yes humans the story...
Human is walking through the park, human with knife is waiting for human with no knife to past, human with no knife passes human with knife, human with knife throws knife at human with knife, knife slices through the the head and blood streams down the the head to the body and then finally the ground, human who is alive takes knife and walks back home, (now this is my favorite part) Super Vamp flies down and bites human with bloody knife, human with bloody knife is dead, human with knife suddenly wakes up and lives an undead life, end of story.
Thats right! Even I a normal human being who lives on earth am very certain that vampires are much more better than humans. Like i said in my previous post(go find the post yourself) vampires only take what they need and nothing more, while humans kill, rape, steal etc...
Like Steph said vampires suck blood to be young. TO LIVE! So what! They suck blood and the person dies and rise up from their grave and live an undead life...while humans takes out a gun aims at the head and BOOM! gone forever. or if you like I can describe the where humans throw bombs at each other insted of gun. Ok. Humans takes out bomb, humans lights up bomb, humans throw bomb at another human, human who got hit on the head by the bomb go BOOM, human blood splats all over the place, end of story...
Dont you dare say vamps will go lick the blood after the human went BOOM! They're not that disgusting. Now do you need me to explain another story about humans using knives? To all the humans that said yes, its your lucky day! To the humans that said no, go fuck yourself while i tell the Yes humans the story...
Human is walking through the park, human with knife is waiting for human with no knife to past, human with no knife passes human with knife, human with knife throws knife at human with knife, knife slices through the the head and blood streams down the the head to the body and then finally the ground, human who is alive takes knife and walks back home, (now this is my favorite part) Super Vamp flies down and bites human with bloody knife, human with bloody knife is dead, human with knife suddenly wakes up and lives an undead life, end of story.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Check Yes Juliet!!
Check yes Juliet
Are you with me?
Rain is falling down on the sidewalk
I won't go until you come outside.
Check yes Juliet
Kill the limbo
I'll keep tossing rocks at your window
There's no turning back for us tonight.
Lace up your shoes
Eh Oh Eh Oh
Here's how we do
Run, baby, run
Don't ever look back.
They'll tear us apart
If you give them the chance.
Don't sell your heart.
Don't say we're not meant to be.
Run, baby, run.
Forever we'll be
You and me.
Check yes Juliet
I'll be waiting
Wishing, wanting
Yours for the taking.
Just sneak out
And don't tell a soul goodbye.
Check yes Juliet
Here's the countdown
3, 2, 1, now fall in my arms
Now they can change the locks
Don't let them change your mind
Lace up your shoes
Eh Oh Eh Oh
Here's how we do
We're flying through the night
We're flying through the night
Way up high,
The view from here is getting better with
You by my side
[Chorus: x2]
You and me
You and me
Are you with me?
Rain is falling down on the sidewalk
I won't go until you come outside.
Check yes Juliet
Kill the limbo
I'll keep tossing rocks at your window
There's no turning back for us tonight.
Lace up your shoes
Eh Oh Eh Oh
Here's how we do
Run, baby, run
Don't ever look back.
They'll tear us apart
If you give them the chance.
Don't sell your heart.
Don't say we're not meant to be.
Run, baby, run.
Forever we'll be
You and me.
Check yes Juliet
I'll be waiting
Wishing, wanting
Yours for the taking.
Just sneak out
And don't tell a soul goodbye.
Check yes Juliet
Here's the countdown
3, 2, 1, now fall in my arms
Now they can change the locks
Don't let them change your mind
Lace up your shoes
Eh Oh Eh Oh
Here's how we do
We're flying through the night
We're flying through the night
Way up high,
The view from here is getting better with
You by my side
[Chorus: x2]
You and me
You and me
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Vampire Is A Very Strong Word
I just realized something...that I have never realized before...
Asking you this who do you think are the real evil villians, vampires or humans?
Wanna know the real truth?
They call us "vampires" evil in books and novels and maybe even movies. But are we really evil? To tell you the truth humans do more harm than us. Humans steal, kill, rape etc....but all we do is take what we need and nothing more.
So now dont ask me but ask yourselves. Who do you think are the real "vampires" which you speak of in your stupid and idiotic books and novels?
To me:
The human race are the vampires on earth.
Asking you this who do you think are the real evil villians, vampires or humans?
Wanna know the real truth?
They call us "vampires" evil in books and novels and maybe even movies. But are we really evil? To tell you the truth humans do more harm than us. Humans steal, kill, rape etc....but all we do is take what we need and nothing more.
So now dont ask me but ask yourselves. Who do you think are the real "vampires" which you speak of in your stupid and idiotic books and novels?
To me:
The human race are the vampires on earth.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Go click it!!
Chinese New Year is nearly here ^^ Which means "ang-pau" or how i like to call it---money packs ^^ yes i know the name sucks but whatever!
During science today, me and Chanel were singing all the rock songs we knew ^^ PARAMORE ROCKS! Oh and i'm here to ask ya'll to go to Chanel's blog where you can find at the other blog's part xDD and go click on the advertisment so Paramore will come to SELANGOR!! I aint kidding! ^^
Go click it!
I'm serious!
If you hate paramore then you suck! -laughs evily-
During science today, me and Chanel were singing all the rock songs we knew ^^ PARAMORE ROCKS! Oh and i'm here to ask ya'll to go to Chanel's blog where you can find at the other blog's part xDD and go click on the advertisment so Paramore will come to SELANGOR!! I aint kidding! ^^
Go click it!
I'm serious!
If you hate paramore then you suck! -laughs evily-
Friday, January 16, 2009
Inspired and List.
Yes Chanel I am inspired by Chanel's "List of Things To Do Before I Die" dont kill me if it isnt exactly the correct title. At least I the title is something like that. ^^
Anyways here it is:
List Of Things To Do Before I Die.
- Dye my hair(raven)
- Become a full fledge vamp and haunt the living when I die.
- Become a social reject in school and make everyone hate me. (Very easy)
- At the same time fix everything to it was the way before. (trying to make life more interesting)
- Go to Spain.
- Find the guy of my dreams who also love vamps ^^ (very hard :( )
- Learn the electric guitar and be a pro at it!!
- Rock out hard!!
- Create a scrapbook for rockers. (not sure whether I'll be able to do it)
- Forget about blood being sweet. (Yes. I'm addicted to blood now. Harhar..=.=)
- Make Malaysia SUCK even worse than before..and make Amerika famous!! (i know Amerika is already famous but am gonna try to make it more famous-er)
- Be happy even when I die.
- Be happy even when someone kills me as it is my time to die so DEAL WITH IT!
I'm done! ^^ Well at least I think I am.
Anyways here it is:
List Of Things To Do Before I Die.
- Dye my hair(raven)
- Become a full fledge vamp and haunt the living when I die.
- Become a social reject in school and make everyone hate me. (Very easy)
- At the same time fix everything to it was the way before. (trying to make life more interesting)
- Go to Spain.
- Find the guy of my dreams who also love vamps ^^ (very hard :( )
- Learn the electric guitar and be a pro at it!!
- Rock out hard!!
- Create a scrapbook for rockers. (not sure whether I'll be able to do it)
- Forget about blood being sweet. (Yes. I'm addicted to blood now. Harhar..=.=)
- Make Malaysia SUCK even worse than before..and make Amerika famous!! (i know Amerika is already famous but am gonna try to make it more famous-er)
- Be happy even when I die.
- Be happy even when someone kills me as it is my time to die so DEAL WITH IT!
I'm done! ^^ Well at least I think I am.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Mrs Peacock= A teacher I dislike.
Don't judge me...means you too Steph on who I hate or like...
Ok ...
1. She's a school racist(something like normal religion racist but this 1 is about people in school).
2. Her fashion do's and don'ts...oh god what am i saying her fashion is DOOMED we can die if we look at her...
3. She only cares about people she knows and does not care about people who she don't know as she does not want to embarass herself ion-front of everyone...trust me i just know.
4. She does not respect other people..
5. I do not respect her.
6. She does not deserve our respect.
7. Chanel agree's with me now doncha Chanel?
8. There is no 8 actually i just put it here so it would look like there are tons of reasons to hate her.
9. There is also no 9.
10. I'm DONE!
Don't judge me...means you too Steph on who I hate or like...
Ok ...
1. She's a school racist(something like normal religion racist but this 1 is about people in school).
2. Her fashion do's and don'ts...oh god what am i saying her fashion is DOOMED we can die if we look at her...
3. She only cares about people she knows and does not care about people who she don't know as she does not want to embarass herself ion-front of everyone...trust me i just know.
4. She does not respect other people..
5. I do not respect her.
6. She does not deserve our respect.
7. Chanel agree's with me now doncha Chanel?
8. There is no 8 actually i just put it here so it would look like there are tons of reasons to hate her.
9. There is also no 9.
10. I'm DONE!
Bloody Teachers,
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Saddle Up!
Saddle Up folks! cause school is back! Thats right ladies time to hit the books and have major migranes day after day. Best part is we'll get to see our dearest friends!
First day of school is here and i only have less than 5 minutes to finish this post so don't blame me if its short as hell.
I don't even have my books with me! =.= Gotta get em' today. Heavy. Worst part is I cut my finger whiloe chopping "something" Want details scroll down if not stop reading.
1. Blood squirting everywhere.
2. The cut reached my meat. (can't be worse than Leon from Resident Evil 4 so I aint complaining)
3. Its bloody irritating!
4. Blood taste sweet.
5. Gotta wait a long time till my nail grows back.
And there u have it. My bloody finger.
First day of school is here and i only have less than 5 minutes to finish this post so don't blame me if its short as hell.
I don't even have my books with me! =.= Gotta get em' today. Heavy. Worst part is I cut my finger whiloe chopping "something" Want details scroll down if not stop reading.
1. Blood squirting everywhere.
2. The cut reached my meat. (can't be worse than Leon from Resident Evil 4 so I aint complaining)
3. Its bloody irritating!
4. Blood taste sweet.
5. Gotta wait a long time till my nail grows back.
And there u have it. My bloody finger.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Bloody Me.
I'm bloody alright REAL bloody...i cut myself with a knife while cutting apples..this could be fatal. It stopped bleeding though but it hurts BAD and its really annoying. Trying to write now because i cut my right finger.
Worst part is tomorrow school re-opens. Im using my middle finger to type insted of the second. Typing is slower but hey its still ok ^^
Oh no it started bleeding again. O_O
-gets cotton wool and wraps finger with it- There we go all better.
Well I need to take care of my finger now so toodle-hoo!
Worst part is tomorrow school re-opens. Im using my middle finger to type insted of the second. Typing is slower but hey its still ok ^^
Oh no it started bleeding again. O_O
-gets cotton wool and wraps finger with it- There we go all better.
Well I need to take care of my finger now so toodle-hoo!
Killing Me.
Boredom killed me 7 times yesterday..yes it can kill my dears...I only managed to kill it twice =.= i failed badly.
I also watched "Wild Child" not in the movies but i have the DVD well not exactly its my cousins ^^ it rocked HARD! Alex was hott (as usual) and Emma Roberts is a genius ^^ but she is not my favorite actress shes just one of my favorite ^^
After watching "Wild Child" I decided to practice my english accent and now I'm really used to it...bloody hell...anywho (oh god) my aunt wants me to go straighten my hair =.= I am not going to do it I promise...or else I'll be 1 of the malaysia's most lala and copycat kind of person (Shocked huh? Steph) but I might dye my streaks red during CNY. I think its very vamp-ish. ^^
Anyways I also have presents for my friends ^^ I'll give it to you when I see you again Stephanie ^^ During this holiday, I spent it on my computer and guess what I got a laptop ^^ yes its true..I'm using the family computer now and not the laptop cuz im lazy to plug in the streamyx to connect it to the internet.
I'm suppose to say bye and stuff but after watching "Wild Child" I've been saying toodle-hoo ever since to me its kinda cute xDD anyways my greeting is "Hello Hello -waves fingers-" so no copying! And last but not least...well actually theres no last =.= oh well toodle-hoo! ^^
I also watched "Wild Child" not in the movies but i have the DVD well not exactly its my cousins ^^ it rocked HARD! Alex was hott (as usual) and Emma Roberts is a genius ^^ but she is not my favorite actress shes just one of my favorite ^^
After watching "Wild Child" I decided to practice my english accent and now I'm really used to it...bloody hell...anywho (oh god) my aunt wants me to go straighten my hair =.= I am not going to do it I promise...or else I'll be 1 of the malaysia's most lala and copycat kind of person (Shocked huh? Steph) but I might dye my streaks red during CNY. I think its very vamp-ish. ^^
Anyways I also have presents for my friends ^^ I'll give it to you when I see you again Stephanie ^^ During this holiday, I spent it on my computer and guess what I got a laptop ^^ yes its true..I'm using the family computer now and not the laptop cuz im lazy to plug in the streamyx to connect it to the internet.
I'm suppose to say bye and stuff but after watching "Wild Child" I've been saying toodle-hoo ever since to me its kinda cute xDD anyways my greeting is "Hello Hello -waves fingers-" so no copying! And last but not least...well actually theres no last =.= oh well toodle-hoo! ^^
Friday, January 2, 2009
Tagged By Zhou Yen.
-The person that tagged you is?
Dearest lil' Zhou Yen.
-What relationship of you withhim/her?
Friends :D
-Your 5 impression towards him/her.
Creative, Cute, Sweet, Mostglamourous, Shopaholic(hopefully i spelled it right) :DD
-The most memorable thing he/she has done for you.
Erm...i have no idea. xDD
-If he/she becomes your lover, you will..
Become a lesbian. LOL:D
-If he/she becomes your enemy, you will..
Kill her like what I do to all my enemies. xD (Don't kill me Chanel!)
-If he/she becomes your lover, he/she has to improve on..
-If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason is..
Im crazy and she's not. xD
-The most desirable thing for you to do to him/her is..
Being her friend always ^^
-The overall impression to him/her is..
The crazy, loves pink lil' girl next door ^^
-How do you think the people around you will feel about you?
I think they think that i think which they think...Im totally random. xD
-The character for you yourself is?
Random kinda Vamp =^,..,^=
-On the contrary, the thing you hate about yourself is?
Most people don't appreciate(hopefully its right) my childish and randomness..
-The most ideal person you want to be is?
Keira Knightley
-For the person who cares an likes you, say something about them.
Caring and appreaciates me for who I am.
4.Zhou Yen
5.Khai Syuen
Dearest lil' Zhou Yen.
-What relationship of you withhim/her?
Friends :D
-Your 5 impression towards him/her.
Creative, Cute, Sweet, Mostglamourous, Shopaholic(hopefully i spelled it right) :DD
-The most memorable thing he/she has done for you.
Erm...i have no idea. xDD
-If he/she becomes your lover, you will..
Become a lesbian. LOL:D
-If he/she becomes your enemy, you will..
Kill her like what I do to all my enemies. xD (Don't kill me Chanel!)
-If he/she becomes your lover, he/she has to improve on..
-If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason is..
Im crazy and she's not. xD
-The most desirable thing for you to do to him/her is..
Being her friend always ^^
-The overall impression to him/her is..
The crazy, loves pink lil' girl next door ^^
-How do you think the people around you will feel about you?
I think they think that i think which they think...Im totally random. xD
-The character for you yourself is?
Random kinda Vamp =^,..,^=
-On the contrary, the thing you hate about yourself is?
Most people don't appreciate(hopefully its right) my childish and randomness..
-The most ideal person you want to be is?
Keira Knightley
-For the person who cares an likes you, say something about them.
Caring and appreaciates me for who I am.
4.Zhou Yen
5.Khai Syuen
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