Yo guys man I'm like totally wiped out from studying and yesterdays chinese oh god u should have seen yesterdays chinese paper its an ohgodhowtoexplain type of paper...i'll be lucky enough to actually get a "C" for tat stupid paper!!!
why do they have to invent chinese!!!
Sorry chinese lover people but seriously WHY!!! Anyways next exam is Geo!!! OMG!!!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008

I am just seriously proud of myself!!! XD
I studied for 5-6 hours hours non-stop from 8 a.m till 2 sumthing p.m today while yesterday i studied for like 3 hours!!! I am so proud of myself!!!
I made notes for 6 chapters of science so its like really easy to memorize the stuff you need to memorize and so much better than carrying a book around everytime... :D I also studied a lil' Geo and a lil' Seni...
Tomorrow is back to school for me and other ppl :( but still like i told you before in my last post, school have their up and down sides!!!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Back To School!!!
Im quite happy to actually go back to school...
1. Wont here mum nagging.
2. Wont have to just mope[if tats how u spell it] around the house with nothing to do.
3. Get to go meet up friends again.
4. Can finally study in peace.(sorta)
5. Have something fun to do in school.
Im not quite happy to go back to school...
1. More Homework.
2. Less computer time.
3. More work time.
4. Food STINKS!!! (in canteen)
5. Have to face teacher...especially "ya know who".
And thats all for today or now...
1. Wont here mum nagging.
2. Wont have to just mope[if tats how u spell it] around the house with nothing to do.
3. Get to go meet up friends again.
4. Can finally study in peace.(sorta)
5. Have something fun to do in school.
Im not quite happy to go back to school...
1. More Homework.
2. Less computer time.
3. More work time.
4. Food STINKS!!! (in canteen)
5. Have to face teacher...especially "ya know who".
And thats all for today or now...
Monday, October 13, 2008
New Specs...
Alrite my specs dont suit me no more so i went to change my specs!!! YAY!!! I alredi went to check my eye-sight everything now all i have to do is wait till i can go pick it up and the day is TOMORROW!!!
I am so excited!!!
I chose a really light pink and purple pair of specs like i told you before on my last post...i think and after that me and my mum are going shopping!!!
Cant wait till tomorrow...Cuz then I can finally see the world thru a pair of clear specs.
I am so excited!!!
I chose a really light pink and purple pair of specs like i told you before on my last post...i think and after that me and my mum are going shopping!!!
Cant wait till tomorrow...Cuz then I can finally see the world thru a pair of clear specs.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Dog at 8?

Alright I just had a dog fight with my dog named Jackson...yes i know why Jackson the name? Well cuz his father named Jack died and well it just reminds me of all the good things he did for us while he was still alive!!!
Oh and yes my kak is coming back today!!! So, no more washing dishes, ironing the clothes, folding the clothes, taking out the trash, cooking, washing etc...
I am just so happy!!!
She will be landing around 8 i think so we are gonna leave at 7.30 i think?
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Lick Hung's Family Day!!! and other events...
Hello everyone and may I tell you that i had a wonderful, splendid, magnifique and excellent time during the Family Day Lick Hung organized...
Anyways this is what happened...
I got ready that morning at 8 but somehow my parents 4got that they promised me and my bro they will take us at 8.30 a.m. Soooooooo, they only woke up at 8 while me and my bro were sitting in the living room watching "The Pink Panther"...lame rite?
By the time everyone[especially my mum] got ready it was alredi 10!!!
So since my kakak isnt home yet and still in Indonesia, I have to go puush and pull the clothes rack in and out and fill up the water 4 my lil' doggy's. So at 9.45 a.m, I alredi finished all of those chores just to make my mum hurry up!!!
While pushing and pulling the clothes rack in and out, I received more than 10 sms's from stephanie so i would hurry up, a few more from Chanel saying where I am and how come so late wan, 1 call from Jia deng asking me wat time am I coming and I think thats about it...I was so frusterated[i think tats how u spell it] with my mum!!!
By the time we reached school it was alredi 10.30...
So wanna know wat happened? Go read Stephanie's blog she wrote everything out.
NOW!!! After the family day thing, my whole family went to Subang Parade to go fix our bloody printer who keeps on annoying me...I dontknowwhy but everytime I look at it it always annoy me....see it did it AGAIN!!! anyways, while my dad went to fix the printer, me, my mum and my bro went to go do my specs cuz well I seriously need help!!! My lens does not suit me anymore. So we went to a spectacle shop called "A-Look" quite nice u should go there many varieties of specs and all in different designs and colours 4 you to choose from!!!
Now in A-Look, they had a family package, so its buy 3 specs get a pair of sunglasses free!!! And I mean ANY sunglasses in the shop. So My dad, me and my mum tried on many types of specs me and my mum chose the exact same 1 at the end a pink and purple pair but luckily my mum uses it as reading glasses so the good thing is that we wont be walking around like some maniacs while pther ppl look weirdly at us, while my dad wasnt exactly sure whether he wanted to buy a pair or not cuz his own pair is very expensive around RM 700...WOW!!! I didnt know that till now...
The pink and purple 1 me and my mum wanted had only a pair left so I got it while my mum asked the guy to call her if the same 1 have stock again...get me?
Then after everything is settled, i went to check my eye-sight. At the end, it was only 500-600 i was like so freakin scared that my power will just shoot up to like around 800 maybe?
So after that, we went to eat nando's!!! Mum, dad and bro ordered the 1/4 chicken with potato salad and fries while i ordered the pita with cicken shreddins and loads of vegetables inisde with coleslaw. For drinks, mum and dad shared bottomless ice lemon tea which mean free refills anytime!!! While and my bro oredered the Cappucino Smoothie.
I didnt actually know mine is a foldover so i was surprised to see mine arrive so fast!!! I shared like 4 chips with my bro and I was very proud of myself cuz I ate loads of vegetables and less meat I was so proud!!!
Then we reached home at 4.30p.m then my dad told us that we have dinner at 6.30p.m so we hurried go bathe and bot dressed and went for dinner!!! I was actuallt happy cuz i dont need to wash the dishes tonight!!! After dinner, we got home bathjed and ate fruits like we normally do but this time after washing the plates, 1 of em' dropped and "PANG" it broke...I sweeped it and threw it away and that was it!!!
And so there You have it my lovely Saturday!!!
Anyways this is what happened...
I got ready that morning at 8 but somehow my parents 4got that they promised me and my bro they will take us at 8.30 a.m. Soooooooo, they only woke up at 8 while me and my bro were sitting in the living room watching "The Pink Panther"...lame rite?
By the time everyone[especially my mum] got ready it was alredi 10!!!
So since my kakak isnt home yet and still in Indonesia, I have to go puush and pull the clothes rack in and out and fill up the water 4 my lil' doggy's. So at 9.45 a.m, I alredi finished all of those chores just to make my mum hurry up!!!
While pushing and pulling the clothes rack in and out, I received more than 10 sms's from stephanie so i would hurry up, a few more from Chanel saying where I am and how come so late wan, 1 call from Jia deng asking me wat time am I coming and I think thats about it...I was so frusterated[i think tats how u spell it] with my mum!!!
By the time we reached school it was alredi 10.30...
So wanna know wat happened? Go read Stephanie's blog she wrote everything out.
NOW!!! After the family day thing, my whole family went to Subang Parade to go fix our bloody printer who keeps on annoying me...I dontknowwhy but everytime I look at it it always annoy me....see it did it AGAIN!!! anyways, while my dad went to fix the printer, me, my mum and my bro went to go do my specs cuz well I seriously need help!!! My lens does not suit me anymore. So we went to a spectacle shop called "A-Look" quite nice u should go there many varieties of specs and all in different designs and colours 4 you to choose from!!!
Now in A-Look, they had a family package, so its buy 3 specs get a pair of sunglasses free!!! And I mean ANY sunglasses in the shop. So My dad, me and my mum tried on many types of specs me and my mum chose the exact same 1 at the end a pink and purple pair but luckily my mum uses it as reading glasses so the good thing is that we wont be walking around like some maniacs while pther ppl look weirdly at us, while my dad wasnt exactly sure whether he wanted to buy a pair or not cuz his own pair is very expensive around RM 700...WOW!!! I didnt know that till now...
The pink and purple 1 me and my mum wanted had only a pair left so I got it while my mum asked the guy to call her if the same 1 have stock again...get me?
Then after everything is settled, i went to check my eye-sight. At the end, it was only 500-600 i was like so freakin scared that my power will just shoot up to like around 800 maybe?
So after that, we went to eat nando's!!! Mum, dad and bro ordered the 1/4 chicken with potato salad and fries while i ordered the pita with cicken shreddins and loads of vegetables inisde with coleslaw. For drinks, mum and dad shared bottomless ice lemon tea which mean free refills anytime!!! While and my bro oredered the Cappucino Smoothie.
I didnt actually know mine is a foldover so i was surprised to see mine arrive so fast!!! I shared like 4 chips with my bro and I was very proud of myself cuz I ate loads of vegetables and less meat I was so proud!!!
Then we reached home at 4.30p.m then my dad told us that we have dinner at 6.30p.m so we hurried go bathe and bot dressed and went for dinner!!! I was actuallt happy cuz i dont need to wash the dishes tonight!!! After dinner, we got home bathjed and ate fruits like we normally do but this time after washing the plates, 1 of em' dropped and "PANG" it broke...I sweeped it and threw it away and that was it!!!
And so there You have it my lovely Saturday!!!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
I give up...*sigh*
Alrite I give up I changed back into a very normal kind of layout but hey they have their good and bad sides like:
1. Easier to maintain.
2. Neater [sorta]
3. Not much trouble.
1.Very hard to Maintain.
2. Messy[some of em']
3. ALOT of problems and will get jammed easily.
Plss HELP!!!
Alrite since u found out tat i needed help to remove tat thing up there, I still need help for some parts 4 example adding blogspots account on the friends list and blogspot url list etc...I also need help on the About Me section I cant seem to Write down My name and such at that part and also I need help on how to ad my chatbox thing again and other cool stuff...like music and such...
Im desperate PLSS!!!
Ok if this freaks you out then I am sorry...truly sry....
Alrite since u found out tat i needed help to remove tat thing up there, I still need help for some parts 4 example adding blogspots account on the friends list and blogspot url list etc...I also need help on the About Me section I cant seem to Write down My name and such at that part and also I need help on how to ad my chatbox thing again and other cool stuff...like music and such...
Im desperate PLSS!!!
Ok if this freaks you out then I am sorry...truly sry....
Saturday, October 4, 2008
I am trying to learn how to get rid of tat thing there so if you know how pls comment to teach me how...PLSSSS!!! I might make my own layout i said MIGHT!!!
Long Story SHort:
1. School holidays are almost over.
2. Pierced my ears really pain!!!
3. Decided to tie my hair into 2 when school re-opens.
4. Happy B'day Chanel will give you your present when school re-opens.
5. Bought some nail polish 4 a very cheap price, blue and purple.
6. Bought tatoo's too!!!
7. Exams coming havent started studying...I'm dead meat soon...:P
Buh Bye!!! XD
Long Story SHort:
1. School holidays are almost over.
2. Pierced my ears really pain!!!
3. Decided to tie my hair into 2 when school re-opens.
4. Happy B'day Chanel will give you your present when school re-opens.
5. Bought some nail polish 4 a very cheap price, blue and purple.
6. Bought tatoo's too!!!
7. Exams coming havent started studying...I'm dead meat soon...:P
Buh Bye!!! XD
Long Story
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