Monday, December 22, 2008
Well today is actually the second day and breakfast was nice was quite nice --->hard boiled egg, toast, half banana, water. Quite simple. But of course i am quite worried whether it will work or not cause last time a few months ago Christine did it...she gained 1 really worried now..
I lost 2 kg during the holidays quite ok i guess while for my diet should be able to lose 4.5kg aka 10 pounds..not bad actually the last time I did this thing was during STD 6 while i was like HUGE! Now im like plum i least thats what my mum stomache is flatter definitely, boobs are somehow higher O_o - awkward much, and my fingers move faster somehow so its either the diet or the badminton I just did...very weird diet or badminton playing doncha think?
Monday, December 15, 2008
Don't Bother...
Well today not so good my mum finished my fried rice...=.=...if its legal i would kill her but its not so i have no choice but to fake smile and cook another 1...goddamnitihateherhopefullyyoucanreadthis...well another thing is I found a new name for my blog its called " My Bloody Online Sanctuary " dont question me why i named my blog that bloody name cause well i like it some how...seei told you im in a better mood im not using any harsh words...bloody person....oh yes rmb to read my blog rules its very nice and tempting... >:)...
I suddenly feel like killing that certain someone....seriously i cant help myself....well thats all i wanted to say...buh-bye..
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Its so happy...NOT!
Ok so we went to Subang Parade first and went to go buy a xD card for my camera...then we went shopping jumping from store to store and finally i bought a shirt and shoes(school shoes) dont ask why they had an offer that i couldnt resist.
Oh yes then we went to Carrefour and i went to go read books while my cousin and my mum went along to buy food......ok now im really bored btw im still glaring....see told a i could glare really long....i found a book...yes but i forgot the name i cant go look at it and type it out cuz i didnt buy it, it was way to expensive my mum would never let me...i feel spoilt now oh well TOO BAD!
I am in a really really REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY! bad mood right now...btw still glaring here...goddamnitwhoknowshowlongicanglare!
Btw it is passed 40 minutes...yes i was also glaring in the car and during dinner and you wanna know why?! Well too bad PPL! i wont tell ya!!! [normally i will use the word bitches but thats not gonna help me] DONT YOU DARE GO POST ANY MESSAGES TELLING ME NOT TO USE HARSH HARSH WORDS!!! CUZ IM ALREADY USED TO IT!!! SO DONT YOU DARE!!!! SO IF YOU WANNA DO IT THEN FUCK OFF!
Im just seriously pissed right now! so dont blame still glaring here...
Ill continue when im in a better mood so buh-bye bitch-ass!!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Tagged By Christine!
What's your favourite colour ?
hmm...usually i'll say black and red but for now its PURPLE!
Who is the most important to you ?
My doggy named Jackson :D
How often do you think if committing suicide ?
Once when i failed chinese. xDD
Do you have enough confidence ?
No, not really. :((
How many babies you want ?
Maybe 2 or 3 ^^ but not more than 4! xDD
Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after a rain ?
Who is the one who cheers you up and supports you ?
Stephanie! My family is useless. :D
Do you believe in eternal love ?
Do you think the person who tagged you, likes to play kidnapping ?
I think so. xDD Dont kill me christine if im wrong! xDD
What are you really afraid of ?
What is your bad habit ?
Painting my nails when im bored or nervous! :D
Do you have a secret crush ?
NOPE! :)
Do you cherish every single friendship of yours ?
Of course I do :)
What does flying means to you ?
What do you currently crave ?
Vampire's Crave is Blood! But for me i need nachos! and vegetables!
Are you single or in a relationship ?
Single. :( sad rite? LOL!
Describe the person who tagged you in 7 words.
Words= Really crazy over twilight's Edward Cullen. Letters= EDWARD! LOL!
What have you done to make yourself happy ?
I became vegetarian...well almost i just have to stop eating fish! xDD
What is the worse case scenario that has happened to you in your life ?
Hmm, me being eaten alive. :D
Who's the worst person in your life ?
Hmm, my brother... -glaring at brother now-
*Notify the people you tag in their cbox that they've been tagged
1. Stephanie
2. Chanel
3. Mae-Yen
4. Khai Syuen
5. Jesslyn
6. Jennifer No. 2
7. Tracy
8. My Gazette xP
9. Rachel (Steph's Sis)
10. Can I tag Christine??
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Blog Gift from J O E
To Jennifer,
Here's an animation I made for your blog as a blog gift. Just like it says on the animation, I'd like to say thanks for always supporting me throughout the whole year. LOL.. Hope you like it! Let me know if you want the codes for it! :)
Friday, November 28, 2008
While I'm here, I have to ask, DON'T YOU THINK MATSUMOTO JUN IS SERIOUSLY BURNING HOT?? For those who have no idea who the hell he is,
He's just so cute-lah. LOL.. Okay okay, I'll leave Jennifer's blog alone now. Do drop a tag at Jennifer's Cbox to make her happy when she gets back! Hahas.. Also,
To Jennifer,
You can delete this post & all the plurks I 'plurked' when you come back, okay? I won't mind one bit! LOL.. Though, I'm sorry to say, your karma already dropped a little bit this morning, I'll try to get the karma back. Have a nice trip to your kampung!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Another Update!
I'll be dissapearing for a few days, and then appear again afetr a while ^^ i have no idea but i suddenly like to use emoticons example: O.e (eye twitching), O.O (oooooooo), O.o (wth), ^^ (happy), etc...
I also would like to shapeshift write now...into a mouse or bat....that is correct...i wanna shapeshift....dont blame me....HMPH!
Like i said i love "Evanescence" yes i know their OLD but i only bothered to listen to their songs like about 3 days ago so yeah Evanscence is new to me...
And to all YOU ppl who thinks i like VAMPIRES! b'cuz of "twilight" THAT IS SO NOT TRUE! damn it...
So please dont drop any comments that say "Oooooo a twilight fan *high five!*" cuz i wanna be honest i have no freakin idea wtf is twilight anyways....ok?
All i know is that twilight has a vamp in it THATS IT! END OF STORY! SHUSH IT WUD YA!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
And i also want to be able to shapeshift...yup that is sooo true i wanna shapeshift into a demon wolf...yup thats rite! :D
I also want to have fangs...of course i do...i mean every vampire has fangs...
p.s : This did not happen after watching Twilight ok? cause well i never watched it before...
Friday, November 21, 2008

I today am suddenly feeling hyperactive somehow ...yup u guessed it...WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Yay the person who invented the word WHEEEEEEEE! LOL!
Oh yeah my parents went to Aus for 2 weeks and will be back on tuesday! yay! Th best part is i get presents XP i know you think Im spoilt but im not i just like getting them XD my dad bought me a jacket O.e weird huh a guy went shopping for girl clothes... O.o wow!
But who cares i like jackets especially hoodies where i can just hide my face under...YAY! Oh yes i discovered somethin old but to me is new ... and its the Evanescence!!! yay my fav band! Their songs totally rock! And i mean literally when I was listening to their songs my table was vibraing! Its either i put it too loud or their songs just ROCK! LOL! I pick rocking songs!
But for those who like smooth sailing kinda songs then i dont think you wanna hear their songs...
Buh Bye for now sweeties kiss kiss hug hug mwah mwah buh bye!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
My Blogs URL
maybe to but to me thats just too simple...
also on friday which was 2 days ago, we had to go back to Seafield to return our books! When i went it was around 4...i know its late but hey i didnt have to wait in a long line...all I had to do was walk up there and just pass them my books! YAY ME!!! *CLAP*
And so there you have it thats all for today folks!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Saturday, November 1, 2008
My brother invited a few of his friends and all of them who i like to call them small ppl...somehow to me thats a very suitable name for them oh well...anyways they were all playing in the room while me and a few other teens hung out outside the room eating...
They were like going for war when they suddenly open the door and sonme of them ran out shouting some words...SOME WORDS....that i do not understand...O.O
Ok then all of us started a war till someone bleeded somehow...they said 1 of us big person's threw something at him...ok?
ok and that is the only fun part about that party...pretty boring rite? all alone...ok TIME TO GO PLAY!!!
Friday, October 31, 2008
why do they have to invent chinese!!!
Sorry chinese lover people but seriously WHY!!! Anyways next exam is Geo!!! OMG!!!
Sunday, October 19, 2008

Thursday, October 16, 2008
Back To School!!!
1. Wont here mum nagging.
2. Wont have to just mope[if tats how u spell it] around the house with nothing to do.
3. Get to go meet up friends again.
4. Can finally study in peace.(sorta)
5. Have something fun to do in school.
Im not quite happy to go back to school...
1. More Homework.
2. Less computer time.
3. More work time.
4. Food STINKS!!! (in canteen)
5. Have to face teacher...especially "ya know who".
And thats all for today or now...
Monday, October 13, 2008
New Specs...
I am so excited!!!
I chose a really light pink and purple pair of specs like i told you before on my last post...i think and after that me and my mum are going shopping!!!
Cant wait till tomorrow...Cuz then I can finally see the world thru a pair of clear specs.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Dog at 8?

Saturday, October 11, 2008
Lick Hung's Family Day!!! and other events...
Anyways this is what happened...
I got ready that morning at 8 but somehow my parents 4got that they promised me and my bro they will take us at 8.30 a.m. Soooooooo, they only woke up at 8 while me and my bro were sitting in the living room watching "The Pink Panther"...lame rite?
By the time everyone[especially my mum] got ready it was alredi 10!!!
So since my kakak isnt home yet and still in Indonesia, I have to go puush and pull the clothes rack in and out and fill up the water 4 my lil' doggy's. So at 9.45 a.m, I alredi finished all of those chores just to make my mum hurry up!!!
While pushing and pulling the clothes rack in and out, I received more than 10 sms's from stephanie so i would hurry up, a few more from Chanel saying where I am and how come so late wan, 1 call from Jia deng asking me wat time am I coming and I think thats about it...I was so frusterated[i think tats how u spell it] with my mum!!!
By the time we reached school it was alredi 10.30...
So wanna know wat happened? Go read Stephanie's blog she wrote everything out.
NOW!!! After the family day thing, my whole family went to Subang Parade to go fix our bloody printer who keeps on annoying me...I dontknowwhy but everytime I look at it it always annoy me....see it did it AGAIN!!! anyways, while my dad went to fix the printer, me, my mum and my bro went to go do my specs cuz well I seriously need help!!! My lens does not suit me anymore. So we went to a spectacle shop called "A-Look" quite nice u should go there many varieties of specs and all in different designs and colours 4 you to choose from!!!
Now in A-Look, they had a family package, so its buy 3 specs get a pair of sunglasses free!!! And I mean ANY sunglasses in the shop. So My dad, me and my mum tried on many types of specs me and my mum chose the exact same 1 at the end a pink and purple pair but luckily my mum uses it as reading glasses so the good thing is that we wont be walking around like some maniacs while pther ppl look weirdly at us, while my dad wasnt exactly sure whether he wanted to buy a pair or not cuz his own pair is very expensive around RM 700...WOW!!! I didnt know that till now...
The pink and purple 1 me and my mum wanted had only a pair left so I got it while my mum asked the guy to call her if the same 1 have stock again...get me?
Then after everything is settled, i went to check my eye-sight. At the end, it was only 500-600 i was like so freakin scared that my power will just shoot up to like around 800 maybe?
So after that, we went to eat nando's!!! Mum, dad and bro ordered the 1/4 chicken with potato salad and fries while i ordered the pita with cicken shreddins and loads of vegetables inisde with coleslaw. For drinks, mum and dad shared bottomless ice lemon tea which mean free refills anytime!!! While and my bro oredered the Cappucino Smoothie.
I didnt actually know mine is a foldover so i was surprised to see mine arrive so fast!!! I shared like 4 chips with my bro and I was very proud of myself cuz I ate loads of vegetables and less meat I was so proud!!!
Then we reached home at 4.30p.m then my dad told us that we have dinner at 6.30p.m so we hurried go bathe and bot dressed and went for dinner!!! I was actuallt happy cuz i dont need to wash the dishes tonight!!! After dinner, we got home bathjed and ate fruits like we normally do but this time after washing the plates, 1 of em' dropped and "PANG" it broke...I sweeped it and threw it away and that was it!!!
And so there You have it my lovely Saturday!!!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
I give up...*sigh*
Alrite I give up I changed back into a very normal kind of layout but hey they have their good and bad sides like:
1. Easier to maintain.
2. Neater [sorta]
3. Not much trouble.
1.Very hard to Maintain.
2. Messy[some of em']
3. ALOT of problems and will get jammed easily.
Plss HELP!!!
Alrite since u found out tat i needed help to remove tat thing up there, I still need help for some parts 4 example adding blogspots account on the friends list and blogspot url list etc...I also need help on the About Me section I cant seem to Write down My name and such at that part and also I need help on how to ad my chatbox thing again and other cool music and such...
Im desperate PLSS!!!
Ok if this freaks you out then I am sorry...truly sry....
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Long Story SHort:
1. School holidays are almost over.
2. Pierced my ears really pain!!!
3. Decided to tie my hair into 2 when school re-opens.
4. Happy B'day Chanel will give you your present when school re-opens.
5. Bought some nail polish 4 a very cheap price, blue and purple.
6. Bought tatoo's too!!!
7. Exams coming havent started studying...I'm dead meat soon...:P
Buh Bye!!! XD
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
I recommend "How To Be..." there are a few so GO WATCH EM' !!!
I almost finish watching ALL their videos!!!
So take the time to watch em' !!!
hehe ^^
buh bye ^.^
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Anyways while my mum went to buy stuff in the supermarket, me and my kak went upstairs to the clothes section to buy clothes, accessories, bag etc...
While my kak went to find clothes, i went to the sunglasses part and tried on a few and bought a pair while my kak tried on some clothes. Then after that, we went to the accessories department and looked at a few necklaces and bracelets and hair stuff...
My kak bought a pair of earrings while i bought a pair of hoops well not me but my kak bought 4 me and also a huge hair clip for both of us, i got dark army design cloured green while my kak bough black...=.=
Then we went to go find handbags!!! YAY!!! So my kak ended up buying a Brownish coloured bag but we did see loads more nicer ones BUT my kak dont likey expensivey and shinny kind of handbags so uhh yeah...u get me...
So after that i told my mum that kak bought a pair of hoops 4 me and she said she'll take me go pierce my ears next weekend or tomorrow which is Sunday 4 whoever that lost track of time.
And so there you have it my fun Saturday in Carrefour[ =.= ]...
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Monday, September 8, 2008
Weird...oh well...
GOT EATEN by little cute children...
Cute little children...
GOT KIDNAPPED by a scary looking stranger...
Scary looking stranger...
GOT KILLED by a brave policeman...
Brave policeman...
I wonder how I came up with such a weird thing??
Oh well...
Love it or Hate it...
I'm ok with either of them...
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Well this time it did'nt turn out so bad...
It started off like any other school the earliest there waiting for someone else to come and while waiting i go over to Min Rui and Alyssa's table to hang out for a while. After like 10 minutes, Mei Yee came then Christine and last but not least CHANEL!!! It was raining that day in the afternoon so Chanel decided to use the really looooooooooonng way to get to the canteen she made 1 whole big round around the school...nice exercise...
Well nothing much la...then recess...
I decided to buy 2"time-out's" and 1 pack of Vita-C Strawberry flavour sweet. But when I wanted to pay for it, The stupid Koperasi ppl won't except it cause it was a lil' bent and a bit torned!!! FOR GOD SAKES!!! They were the 1's who gave it to me in the first place!!! anyways we as in me and Alyssa went to find the teacher in-charge in the koperasi today, Pn. Yong. And My God she saved my life on Saturday!!! She told the koperasi person to except it and there I was holding 2 packs of time-out chocolate bars and a bar of Vita-C sweets.
I gave 1 bar of chocolate to Christine and Chanel while the other 1 was for ME!!!
We hung out in the bilik pengawas where Alyssa played the piano and ate her chocolate while I ate mine and listening to her play.
After that, we were walikng along some classes while Pn. Heng told us not to eat and walk and asked us to go to the koperasi or canteen to eat. I don't blame her since well thats kinda right.
After recess, me, Mei Yee, Alyssa, Min Rui, Zhiao Ru, Ngee Jin and Su Ann were playing a game while Christine and Chanel were talking away. When the teacher came in, none of them bother to teach and we played the whole day!!! WHEEEEEE!!!
During Sejarah, I finished off the notes and teacher marked my book and now I'm FREE!!! I gave everybody except Malays sweets which I bought at first it was only me, Christine and Chanel eating sweets but after that everyone asked for sweets so since i am such a nice lil' kitty, I gave them some sweets too.
It was "BRRRRRRRINGGGGGGG" after school, Alyssa forgot to take her bottle and left it on her table. So me and Mei Yee when rushing and running and screamed our lungs out to get to Alyssa...BUT FAILED but we did manage to pass it to her friend who will be passing by her house on his way problem SOLVED.
Friday, September 5, 2008
B'day SPLASH!!!
After science Chanel told me she has a surprise for me!!! I was really excited!!! But afetr we all got ready with our bags on our backs...the scary and fun thing started. En. Zuraimi suddenly came out and asked everyone to sing the b'day song to me!!! I was like "WTH, how he know wan?"
So everybody including the guys sang the b'day song and I was really embaressed!!! After that everybody took out their bottles and started drinking...seriously EVERYBODY and that was when I found out what was happening...UH OH...
I wanted to run away but Chanel grabbed my bag and won't let me go...then i was like "SHIT, SHIT, SHIT!!!"
But lucky for me En.Zuraimi let me go first and told me whoever splashed me with water tell him[like I'm ever gonna ruin the FUN].
So there I was 30 seconds to get to the front gate...but failed...
Before I reached the Big gate, 2 guys, Guo Zhi and Wee Keat were behindme and splashing water I was running for my life!!![well not exactly i find it FUN!!!]
When i Got into the car, i was already half wet...
Today I think Im gonna get splashed again since well thats what normally happens...
AND i wonder who told teacher it was my b'day?'
My guess-Christine or Chanel or Alyssa... :P
Thursday, September 4, 2008

SO anyways, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Skandar!!!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Yeah so I am gonna go to cousins House soon so i better make this quick.
Rmb Skandar Keynes B'day.
Its on 5th September.
And I am having a lil' get-together with my friends.
Upstairs, in my room.
So RMB Skandar Keynes B'day Is coming sooooon.
Mwah Buh bye :D
Another Boring Weekend In Fluff~alots
I have to admit, going to school is much better and more fun than just staying at home doing nothing besides blogging and watching TV and listening to music and sync stuff into my ipod, SCHOOL is so much better!!!
I just finished reading half of the book i got yesterday and it was really nice.
It doesnt remind me of ME at all i tot it did but its not it kinda reminds me of my friend.
oh well nothing to blog about today.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Today was F-U-N...FUN!!!
Today we spent ALMOST the whole day in the dewan watching some performances from the form 2's. It started off really boring cause the teachers were talking in offence to the malays but i seriously dont get what the hell they said...oh well i did'nt rugi also oh well...XD. And i was also sleeping the whole way through...seriously!!!
But after all 4!!! of the speeches, we laughed all the way through cause the guys we sat next to were so damn funny and now I will start using their real names, no more alphabet or numbers to replace their name. I might put nicknames since they love theirs i gave them...hehe :D.
Ok anyways, when the form 2's were singing away on stage, the guys-Raymus, Tze Ken and Phillis[actually Philip but i call him that cause it makes him sissy hehe :D] were making fun of them and me and my friend were laughing the whole way through...haha i can even rmb the feeling of laughter from that exact time[if you get what i mean].
When the play on how Malaysia went MERDEKA MERDEKA MERDEKA the whole way, we[as in the guys and me and my friend] were laughing at their act.Especially the part where a guy was trying to rape a guy[guy wearing baju kurung and acted as a girl], everybody laughed real loudly. And after that Raymus complained that there is a girl next to him that was actually snorting when she laughed. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! okok no more teasing :D.
Then when the form 2's had their singing thingy AGAIN, all three guys leaned against each other and squished Phillis!!! HEHE!!! Which also squashed Tze Ken's bottle with 2 holes on the cap which sprayed me and Mei Yee[my friend] and the guys which we ended up all wet!!!
We dried after like 10 minutes cause not much water sprayed us and continued to blab all the way through the performance. We got some lyrics which was given out by some sissy prefects who danced their way through the dewan by hopping here and there. And mine got chewed and eaten by Tze Ken...really...and he spitted it out...DISGUSTING!!!
At the end of the performance we all stood up and may i tell you that it felt sooooo good standing up since we sat down for like 3-4 or maybe more hours to sing some patriotic[if tats how u spell it] songs.
Well by the time we ate which was like at around 5 something, it was already science the last maybe the first or second period i dunno hehe :D. Well during science some students i must admit they are really TALL came in and passed us the books we bought.
And lemme tell you i did'nt do anything during science exept read 1 of Phillis' books which was really nice i am going to lend it on like maybe thursday or friday it depends how fast Min Rui[friend] can read it.
And so thats wat happened today so hope you enjoyed this post cause i know i enjoyed typing it out!!! :D
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Yesterday and Today
So besides that I am going to tell you what happened today!!! WHEE!!!
Ok well all classes of form 1 is forced to do a Geo project [i know they torture us]. Anyways it was'nt all bad i mean we get to fool around AND also do the project at the same time. So during Geo teacher just teached for about like less than 10 minutes and we were off doing the project. We started off by sticking the whole thing using PVA glue and newspaper so it'll be easier to paint since we are doing it on the white board[ the 1 with lil' small balls stuck together that kind of board if u know wat i mean] and after that Geo finished and it was recess and yada yada and NOW english.
Well during english, the ones[which mean me] doing the project can continue while the others NOT doing will go listen to what Pn. Goh is blabbing about. So during english, 'Z' and 'W' were ALMOST playing paintball since W already splattered paint on Z. The girls were all laughing and Pn. Goh came over and scolded us BLEH for being too noisy!!!hehe XD naughty lil' us!!! Well it is now moral period and after moral, we came back and our project was ruined by the 1F class guys. Marion[a librarian] went to the science lab since thats where the 1F ppl r heading and scolded them. While 'R' and 'G' were planning...well not actually planning but forced to by Pn. Lau[a disiplin teacher] to take it to her office since we were all making so much noise cause the project was ruined.
While at the office, R and G stand stupidly outside the office and trying to fit the project through the door but ended up leaving it on a near-by bench. Then R came running back to the class panting and called all the ppl working on the project to go see Pn. Lau. But when we went down, Pn. Lau asked us all to go back to class and ended up calling both moniters. Stupid rite? Anyways we got zero marks for our project and we are free from doing anything now. YAY!!!
If you think this post is boring after reading, then dearly sorry!!!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Todays THE Day!!! >:(
Wish me luck!!! Cause i might not make it back to go blog about it. Since well Ill embaress myself too much and DIE!!! YEAH THATS RIGHT D-I-E!!! DIE!!!
Good Night and Good Bye And i might not see ya' soon!!! >:(
Pathetic Day!!!
My day started off pretty good until Pumpkin came along. We are suppose to do a stupid singing thing for Sivik and gues whose standing right in-front of the microphone and in the middle of the whole group...I'll give you 1 guess...YUP...ME...STUPID Pumpkin uggh think she's all that >:P ...but she is NOT!!!
We as in me and my friends were already planning to stand together...obviously...but stupid pumpkin keeps on ruining people's lives!!! Like the way she go seperate Chanel and Christine, Amanda and Zhiou Ru and so on. Stupid shitty bitch ugghh!!!
She chose me cause she thinks i am short well i got news for ya' bitch you sint tall!!! I am seriously way taller than her!!! SHEESH!!! why do teachers keep ruining our lives!!! Well we all sang, I wasnt smiling and my head was'nt facing the audients(pumpkin) but luckily when she wanted to open her big mouth to go critisize me, I glared at her and she was too afraid to talk back!!! *YAY ME!!!*
I knew i shoud'nt have come to school but mum wont let me!!! Cause she thinks today was going to be a nice day at school!!! Even my dad wished me " Have a nice day at school!!! and I'll see you back home." and he did wished me that before dropping me off at school.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Happy Holidays!!!
On a rainy Saturday morning, we left KL and began our journey to Penang. We left at 8a.m. On our way, I enjoyed myself very much while eating a bag of chips and listening to my I-pod. After an hour or so, we stopped to go"pee" and buy lunch. We ate KFC nothing special bout that though.
We continued our journey to Penang after finishing our KFC in the car. I slept for like the other 2 hours so i did'nt actually know what was going on, but when i woke up, I was already in Penang. Now that was really fast. My dad must have been driving like a race car driver since we only reached Penang in only a few hours.
Anyways nothing special on the first day, but on the second day, we went SHOPPING!!!! we went to 2 shopping malls, Parkson and Metro Jaya. I bought a set of clothes at Metro while my bro bought 2 shirts and toys in Parkson. We shopped for 6 whole hours and ate dinner at home when we reached home at 6.
The next day, we went to Ipoh which is where I am now and we'll be going back to KL around 5. So HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE!!!!!
Friday, August 15, 2008
Like i said today was boring at first but at the end it turned out ok...i think...
At first BORING and blah blah blah but when Science started, it started out FUN!!! All of us went into the makmal and i sat next to Alyssa(Ally for short) anyways, when i found out the sink at the table i was sitting on was like...ok stuff were stuck in the drain and stuff so when you use the tap it'll be like a pool there...ok?
Anyways, when me and Ally came in and sat at the table, we found out its like filled with water. So we decided to play a lil' when teacher was'nt lookin, we on and off and on and off the tap until it filled all the way high up till the water almost flowed out.
We decided to ask the guys for help to get rid of the water since ya' know we couldnt cause the water was really disgusting. So we asked the guys to fill up their bottles that has a hole on the cap to squirt out water with the water in the sink. But sadly they were'nt feeling naughthy and decided to be a goody-goody on the last day of school.
After that...we went home...and i wonder if our teacher found out about the water thing...oh well...
Monday, August 11, 2008
Chanel isn't even sure if she's coming tomorrow :(
...SHIT!!! i just remembered tomorrow I'll be attending porkchop's(Pn. Cheok) class!!! shit shit shit....sry if any of these harsh words actually offend you but HEY I had to use it i mean its "PORKCHOP" for god sakes!!! UGGHH well I'm off to check my name list and help everyone put all full marks and tick all their homework so they can get full marks!!! XD...BYE!!!...for now
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Nice Saturday in Skool
I tought today will be a boring day cause well sinceits Saturday and we HAVE to go to school.
I mean who goes to school on a Saturday?! I know I do but anybody else in other countries which schools are so much nicer and have better education?!...NO...
UGGHH its soooooo fusterating!!!
Anyways today we did'nt actually study. We played instead. But since our from teacher told us that we had a up-coming performance and everybody must participate...we were singing a Malay/Morality type/Love our country type of song.
Our conducter ,'G' (lets just name her that cause if she reads this she might be angry) was really bossy and bitchy today.
I mean not everybody enjoys singing. But since the guys cound'nt get the beat, lyrics...well lets just say EVERYTHING right, she forced,scolded and tortured the guys till they got it right.
I who which was standing in a corner watched the whole torture session. It began like this "Ok!!! 1,2,3,4 and START!!! [The guys start singing blah blah blah and once again SHOUTING went here and there throughout the whole classroom]. For the girls well lets just say we got 85% out of 100% so we did'nt get tortured!!! XD...Anyways back to the story...we were only allowed to rest for 10 secs after singing the song 3 times and lemme just say it was'nt easy. We had to sing a really high pitch type of song and hold our breaths at a few parts and we also were'nt allowed to stop for a few secs...not secs lets just say a microminilil'bitty second.
The guys suffered the most today while girls were having the time of our lives...sorta...
The Clique Girlz

Tuesday, July 29, 2008
David Cook~ie :D

Monday, July 28, 2008
Meg Cabot

Thursday, July 24, 2008
My So Called 'Friend' (Made-up Story)

She acts like a total angel in-front of ppl, but I know there's a Devil inside of her!!! People have their bad sides and good sides, but her's is all BAD!!! Evil to be more exact!!! That bitchy SHE-DEVIL PERSON...UGGHHH I CANT STAND HER!!!
Monday, July 21, 2008
Totally Nice Quotes That Really Makes Sense
2. Cherish every moment
3. Do what makes you happy, be with who makes you smile, laugh as mch as you breathe, love
as long as you live
4. Life is too short. Grudges are a wate of perfect happiness, laugh when you can, apologize when
you should and let go of things that you can't change. Love deeply and forgive quickly. Take
chances. Give everything and have no regrets. Life is too short to be unhappy LOve what you
have, be grateful and always remember what you had. Learn from mistakes and never regret.
5. Love your enemies, it pisses them off.
6. Confidence is what makes a girl sexy.
7. Never regret things that made you smile.
8. You can say anything about me as you please...but i am what i am and thats something that \
you can never be.
9. Good girls are bad girls that don't get caught.
10. Beauty is found in the heart and not in the eyes of some jealous bitch. So when you say im
ugly...i'll laugh my cute laugh, smile my cute smile and say these simple words. " Don't
hate me cuz' you ain't me!!!"
11. Cherish yesterday, live today and dream tomorrow.
12. I used to be normal until i met those losers who called me "best friends".
13. You may have broken my heart, but you'll never break ME!!!
14. Love me or hate me personally i coud'nt care less.
15. Be who you are and say what you feel cause those who mind don't matter and those who
don't mind matter.
16. Did you just call me a "BITCH" well bitch is a dog, dogs bark, bark is part of trees, trees are
part of nature and nature is beautiful so Yeah thx fro the compliment.
17. Its better to be hated for what you are and loved for what you aren't.
18. You laugh because I'm different, while i laugh because you're all the same.
19. Three things in life that shoud'nt be broken-hearts, promises and friendships.
20. When life gives you lemons, make lemonades.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Horrible, horrible night!!!

Friday, July 11, 2008
Word of advice :)
If your feeling sad, think of happy thoughts and all the sadness will grow lil' wings and fly away
If you hate someone, just ignore them and soon they'll realize how kind and helpfull you are!!!
If you hate 1 of your family members and think they will be happy if you are dead, your wrong deep down they'll die for you and worry about you when something happens to you
If you hate ur mother or father, why bother calling them mum or dad
If someone tells you to change your ways because your annoying, childish, blur, no-brain or even useless, just ignore them and dont change your ways otherwise you wont be you
If your mum want to send you to another school, stand up for yourself and your mum will surely understand
If you think you like or even love someone, think again whether you'll jump in-front of him/her without hesitating if a bullet is aiming right at them
If someone likes you only for your looks or money, get ready to reject them or if you wanna give em' a chance, stay strong if he/she finds someone else and breaks-up with you
Hope after reading this post you'll feel much better :)
And remember be grateful on what you have, some people might kill for the thing you dislike the most :) and also rmb you were put here on earth to "work to live" and not to "live to work" so have fun...
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Fun Day Man WOHOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And so there you have it thats what i did 2day XD so hopeya'll enjoyed it!!! :D
Saturday, June 28, 2008

Friday, June 27, 2008
Wheee!!! Chris Brown's Forever Lyrics
Narnia's Skandar Keynes!!! Wheee!!!

And if ya'll wanna know Skandar Keynes actually goes to the same school as Daniel Radcliffe aka Harry Potter in September 2006 to July 2007 both of them are in the Fourth Form(Year Ten watever tat means) whee!!!:D and he was born on the 5th of September 1991(whee! he is born on the same date as me whee! only now im only 13 and he is like i dunno sumwhere round 17 i guess) he also studies taekwondo which i only knew rite about now and the good news is i do too study taekwondo whee!!! His father was a writer and he is actually a great-great-great grandson of the famous scientist Charles Darwin (i watch "My Gym Partners A Monkey" on Cartoonnetwork and the schools name is Charles Darwin MiddleSchool ) YAY!!! me and him have sooooo much in common Whee!!! He is also a supporter of Arsenal Football Club YAY me favorite team!!!
Personal Quotes
"When it's all over I won't miss the bruises he gave me to impress girls, or the occasional scar which will give me a story to tell my grandchildren, but I'll definitely miss the pranks and the laughing and all the making fun of each other. I'll miss the funky advice he gives me about everything -- football, girls, video games, clothes. Most of all, I'll miss having an older brother." (on costar, William Moseley)
"For safety reasons during the rehearsal we had to use a rubber ball, which has a really strange bounce that made it hard to hit. Then when we were finally using the real ball for the scene, Will bowled it wide of me every single time so I couldn't hit it. I was furious. Then Andrew started to doubt that I could actually play cricket, and he asked me to pretend to hit the ball for the rest of the rehearsals. On the next ball, I hit it as hard as I could. It smashed into some of our lighting, and the crew yelled, "Skan-DAR!'" (on the cricket scene)
WHEE well i hope ya'll will take the time to read this cuz his me favorite chararcter...WHEE!!!
This is for me friend TAN Christine she is a huge fan of *drum roll pls* ........WILLIAM MOSELY!!!

Birth Name
William Peter Moseley
5' 10" (1.78 m)
William Peter Moseley was born on April 27, 1987, in Gloucester, England William completed Year 13 in 2006, with A Levels in Media Studies, English and Drama.
He attended Sheepscombe Primary School between September 1991 to July 1998.
He auditioned, unsuccessfully, for the role of Harry Potter. ( But ya'll gotta admit Daniel Radcliffe did a better job as Harry Potter XD...)
Personal Quotes
I have a fight scene with Sergio Castellitto, the wonderful actor who plays Miraz and whom I have a lot of respect for. At first, when the fight scene was being choreographed, a lot of it was done by stunt doubles. And then Sergio came in and did some of the fight. I didn't think he would be that good. He's kind of a small man. I didn't think much was going to happen. He's always joking and laughing. But when we did the scene, his eyes lit up. He came down hard on me and he just kept going. I was ducking and diving all over. Andrew called 'Cut' and he's like, 'That was great.' Andrew asked me, 'Would you want more of those?' I was like, 'Andrew, that was real! Sergio was really trying to kill me!' I was shaking. It was definitely scary; it really made me have a lot of respect for Sergio. (, 2008)
I had absolutely no flipping idea. I got the part and ended up in this huge success which really threw my life around. I was just in the right place at the right time!
Tuesday- Me and My frens went into 1 Damai class for moral and as usual Pn. Pork Chop here( Nick name for Cheok) came struting into the class. She was wearing a huge shirt and gold jewelry everywhere on her whole entire body (so last season and lame and sooooooo berlagak man). So when we were studying now this is the annoying part
Pn pork chop: " Amanda...ehh JENNIFER!!!! i call you never listen wan arh!!!
Jennifer: " *whispering* F*** you lar damn shyt wan lar!!! *walking towards her with a really sour face...
on Thursday- As usual we went into class pork chop went strutting away like she owns the place and blah blah blah....then suddenly 2 form 2 guys knocked on the door they knocked about 6 times real loudly but still that shitty pork chop cant hear them. They walked into the class but then pork chop stopped them...
pork chop: " ehh ehh ehhh go other classes 1st they busy(but actually the whole class was playing) !!!
The form 2 guy: " *looking around while scratching his head* teacher this is very important!
pork chop: " NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!and anyways u never knock the door ( everybody in class has a "?" on top of their heads)!!!
The form 2 guy :" *gave up and walked away while saying bad words about pork chop"!!! (YAY!!!)
After a few minutes, 2 other form 2 girls came in again 2 our class...
Form 2 girls:" *knocking real loudly* TEACHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
PORK CHOP: " ehh ehh ehhh dont shout so loud lar ppl trying to do work here!!!"
Me:" *my mouth wide open*"
porkchop:" go other classes first then cum bak here !!!!"
Form 2 girls : " but teacher this is the las-"
pork chop:" ehh ehh u deaf isit!!!"
Form 2 girls :" bu-"
POrk chop:" *standing up folding her arms and glaring at them*"
form 2 girls:" nvm!!! *scared and ran off*
then after like 20 minutes...2 guys from 1 Damai were sharing 1 seat.
pork chop: ehh y u 2 share 1 seat arh!!!
2 boys: no more chair lar!!!
porkchop: then go get lar from ur class !!! aiyo!!!
2 boys: but tis is ou-!!!
porkchop: wah still can go tengkar with me hor!!!! go stand there(infront of blackboard)!!!!!
2 boys:* whispering stupid pork chop*!!!!
pork chop: sum more say go and call ur parents!!! nah cum cum cum go call now *walking to her shityy handbag*
2boys: bleh bleh bleh!!!!!!!!!!!!
BELL RINGSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
EVERYBODY relieved
and so we went out of the class and bak to our own 1...after a few minutes my fren came and told me tat i of the boys tat got punished by porkchop got a blueblack on the wrist where all the veins are. And according to him pork chop is the one tat hit him!!!
Me:" wow can SUE HER LOH!!!! yay!!!"
my fren:"wah ya lor can sue man"
And so tats how my tuesdays and thursdays went in pork chop's class and hopefully the boy tat got a blueblack will sue pork chop!!!